I know I'm not around much these days

Jul 10, 2009 09:45

Don't worry, this is not one of those long, angsty RL-SUKZ! type entries, just something of an apology I suppose, a rather low-key (and somewhat dull) FRIDAY! post if you will.

Cut in the interest of the disinterested )

friday, blue, life, decimated, entanglement, birthdays, fandom

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Comments 15

betagoddess July 10 2009, 13:43:50 UTC

It's good to have an update from you and to know that your RL doesn't actually suck. There is way too much RL suckage taking place on my flist.

I always love to hear from you, any time, on any topic. Take care! =>}



gillyp July 12 2009, 08:26:25 UTC
RL is far from rosy but not sucky just boring, very hard work and occasionally frustrating beyond belief. It's not the life I planned for myself but is what it is for now. I guess we don't always get what we want (and etc)

I'm glad you like hearing from me, even when I ramble tediously - you're very kind.

I hope things are going well for you. ♥


betagoddess July 12 2009, 15:10:51 UTC

Yeah, life doesn't always turn out the way we hope it will, but I guess that's just the way of things.

I sure didn't and don't want what's in my life right now.

Then again, we have Benjamin here for the weekend with his mother, so that's one huge plus in my life. =>}

I always love hearing from you. What may seem tedious to you is interesting to others. =>}

I'm doing okay thanks. Always better when Ben is here. *g*


laurie_ky July 10 2009, 14:36:05 UTC
Slogging away, are you? I've been planning a two week vacation from writing and podficcing to catch up on my reading, and Blue will be at the top of the list to enjoy. I find that I skim too much, when I've got too much to do, and that isn't fair to the story -- or to me.

I was going to wait and and finish one more Moonridge 2007 story (which is over 60,000 words long and needs about another 5-6,000 to finish it off, but I'm finding it hard to concentrate right now, since my RL is one big world of chaos and stress. So, as of today, I'm on vacation -- since I won't be able to take a two week vacaton in real life.



chaos and stress. gillyp July 12 2009, 08:30:39 UTC
I'm sorry life is being unkind to you - sounds a bit like me right now, too. Vacation, sounds wonderful. Personally I'd kill for a weekend on my own, I ache for a bit of solitude but it's not going to happen any time soon. ♥


aerianya July 10 2009, 16:22:39 UTC
Hey it's summer! and we are actually having one this year. You may find me on lj some but mostly? I'm out there. Sunny warm days are way to few to waste here. We'll all be back when it's cold and icky.


gillyp July 12 2009, 08:32:38 UTC
Unfortunately summer is a very busy time for me, especially in the garden. I have to care for my Dad and his house a lot of the time and trying to keep up with my own life too - gets a bit much sometimes. I dream of wasting time. :o)

Glad to hear you're having a good time anyway, enjoy your summer.


knitty_woman July 10 2009, 16:55:02 UTC
Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I think it's good to have a life. Not necessarily to the exclusion of all things fannish or elsewise, but having other interests (such as writing a novel, which strikes me more as a calling than an interest) is good. You'll step your involvement when and if it suits. Just remember that many on your F-list want to hear how the real you, not the fannish you, is getting on. No reason you can't use your LJ for that!


gillyp July 12 2009, 08:39:21 UTC
I think it'd be good to have a life too, any idea where we can get one? Amazon, maybe? *g*

I'm glad you want to hear my fevered non-fannish ramblings :o) I'd love to have fannish stuff to write about but it's just not there, which is sad, I do feel the loss but - not happening. ::shrug:: ♥


luicat July 10 2009, 17:29:45 UTC
Lurking is a favourite hobby of mine at the moment too! I know what you mean about there being nothing to squee about, there's nothing that grabs me either. There's nothing that makes me want to drop everything and sit glued to t'telly.

But you is here and it is Friday!
What more could we want?


there's nothing that grabs me either gillyp July 12 2009, 08:44:34 UTC
Hopeless, isn't it? I've been actively surfing too, I miss the fannish squee but the things that get everyone else all fired up have done less than nothing for me. I was terribly excited by the prospect of Criminal Minds so I watched a couple but - nah (tis pants, sadly). There are plenty of things I like but nothing that has that extra seasoning of fannish excitement.

Hey nonny no, I expect something will turn up eventually.

Sunday now (gosh, what happened?), the weather's cooled (thank goodness) and I'm off to visit with an old friend from my previous fandom - just for the day. A day off, how did that happen? *g*

Enjoy your Sunday. ♥


Re: there's nothing that grabs me either luicat July 12 2009, 14:20:23 UTC
Hopeless it is.
SG1 - lost me after the arrival of the Ori. If you have an undefeatable enemy, what is the point?
SGA - nope, blue guys do nothing for me.
Numbers - just how many times can maths get you out of a pickle? (and poor man's Blair)
Criminal Minds - is okay if there really is NOTHING else on, but then a book calls
Law and Order - okay, but after millions of series, pretty much seen it all
Law and Order:Criminal Intent - love this, the thinking person's police programme, but lots of repeats and not enough new ones with not enough Goren after he went down to half of the episodes per series and seem to have reined in the character
Without A Trace and Cold Case - okay, but the characters don't grab me
Ghost Whisperer - much of a muchness
Is there anything else?
And nothing around that is remotely fannish inspiring.

And another boring weekend over this way.
I hope you have a good time with your friend and enjoy your day off.
Happy Sunday!


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