We made it home on Tuesday, but since then it's been a whirlwind of appointments, meetings, putting together an order of service, planning flowers, phoning people and so on. Paris was very good for us, though, even if my poor creaky knees suffered.
Thus below the cut there be pictures... )
Comments 14
And thank you very much! Re I and C, one day, Gill. One day!
Beautiful! I especially love the street picture with the little kids!
You must pop over to Lille sometime. There's a large roomful of relief plans of the Nord forts now in the Palais des Beaux Arts - it's the official repository for that region (? permanently, or just during the Invalides works, I'm not sure: http://www.pba-lille.fr/spip.php?article63 - aha, yes, permanently, though some remain in Paris). But it's such an easy trip and Lille's worth seeing in general. This way there's definitely something in it for Dave!
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