Ow! My eyes!

Jul 30, 2005 16:58

Have just spent much of the afternoon painting daughter's room this color. No, I'm not just using this font color because it's the closest thing to the actual color, this is the actual color. It looks very light in this typeface, imagine on a solid wall. Now four solid walls. Then she wants me to paint some whirly design border in this color. The ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

mmyrtle July 30 2005, 21:15:02 UTC
*giggle* I'm not sure whether to empathize *titter* or commiserate. *snort* I think the combination *snicker* -- while uncommon -- *lol* could be really stunning. *chuckle* I take it you're not thrilled with her aesthetic choice? *chortle*

Two coats, you say?




gillieweed July 30 2005, 22:55:13 UTC
Thing is, knowing her, once it's all done it'll probably look like something straight out of a decorating magazine.

For 10 minutes.

Then it'll look like a garbage dump.


mmyrtle July 30 2005, 22:57:59 UTC
But the walls will still be beautiful. I wasn't kidding that it will probably look stunning, once you've been able to focus again. Just train your eyes to look at the ceiling joints. My kids (including my own personal Pig-Pen, Eldest Daughter) haven't yet figured out how to make a mess that defies gravity.

But they're working on it....


valis2 July 30 2005, 21:25:48 UTC
Your eyes! The burning! Aieee!


jenocclumency July 31 2005, 02:37:14 UTC
Oooh wow. You're a nice mom!


cottonmanifesto July 31 2005, 16:20:52 UTC
Wow! How could anybody sleep in a room painted like that?! It hurts to think about.


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