Daily Prompt: Places in the world

Oct 12, 2008 23:57

Welcome to the Daily Prompts challenge!

Today's prompt:Paris, France


.. You may create/write anything from a drabble to an icon to a wallpaper to an epic tale of Giles and Xander's wonderful adventures on the Island of somethingorother. If it's not finished by the time tomorrow's prompt goes up, please wait until Sunday and/or October 31st to post.

.. Post a comment here with your drabble/fic/artwork. If it doesn't fit in an LJ comment, post to your own journals, and comment here with a link.

OctoberFest Masterlist for yesterday:
anyjay posted:
The First (And Last) Time Willow Said the F-word, part III

Responses to weekly free-for-all #2:

dp:places in the world, octoberfest, daily prompts 2008

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