
Dec 28, 2012 21:06

For Yuletide this year, I was so terrifically spoiled.

I got three brilliant fics about Kyllikki in the Kalevala/Finnish Mythology fandom, each one excellent in its own way:

Roots and Branches (Gen, General Audiences) -- Kyllikki teaches herself to dance again. A brief, lyrical meditation on the metaphors of maidenhood and a dancer's strength.

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yuletide 2012, fandom: addams family, fandom: kalevala, fandom: sengoku basara

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Comments 10

gisho December 29 2012, 02:28:39 UTC
I think the prospect of Yuletide fic may be the push I needed to finally go read the Kalevala.

If you don't mind my asking, do you have any recommendations for the best English translation? I know there have been at least two in verse, but I'm not sure if either is good, or if I should go for a scholarly prose veraion with footnotes.


gileonnen December 29 2012, 15:32:25 UTC
I have the Oxford World Classics edition, translated by Keith Bosley--it takes fewer liberties with the prose than the John Martin Crawford translation that's floating about the internet, and it's got some good contextual material. I don't know if it's the best English translation, but it's definitely the best combination of "affordable," "accurate," "readable," and "scholarly."


reconditarmonia December 29 2012, 02:36:37 UTC
...G&S title!


gileonnen December 29 2012, 15:32:45 UTC
I know. ^_____^


reconditarmonia December 31 2012, 06:20:22 UTC
Also - I was hoping I'd be able to sit down and read through Coriolanus this semester, since I'm writing a paper, and while I haven't quite managed to do so (instead reading bits secondary sources refer me to), damn, that opening scene. I love Shakespeare's commoner characters sometimes (Michael Williams in Henry V being one of my other favorites).


reconditarmonia January 1 2013, 09:37:56 UTC
(also Coriolanus's canvassing scene is hilarious)


hyperion_swan December 30 2012, 05:29:44 UTC
"I wrote five fics for Yuletide this year"
You tease! I miss seeing your writing ;)
Your Yuletide haul also looks intriquing! *peruses through*


gileonnen January 1 2013, 18:28:15 UTC

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