Fanfic: Move Along....

Nov 13, 2006 12:28

Posted quickly between classes, just to prove that I am still writing. Even if it's slow and tedious and school is trying to assasinate me.

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Series: Move Along
Chapter: The Months That Come And Go
Characters: Angel(/Collins), Mark
Rating: PG-13 for language and themes
Prompt: Months
Word Count: 1,270
Summary: A series ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 7

starletfallen November 13 2006, 18:37:26 UTC

I don't have any words. But I love it.

(In other news - WHEE FIRST COMMENT!)


gildedmuse November 14 2006, 21:50:00 UTC
^^ That's words enough, thank you.


intotheseine November 13 2006, 19:34:39 UTC
Ack, you're one of very few people that can make me nearly cry with your writing. In a good way, I promise! Do I need to tell you how fucking awesome your characterization is again?

oh well. I'm going to anyway.

Your characterization is fucking awesome. :B As are you. :P


gildedmuse November 14 2006, 21:50:32 UTC
On one hand, sorry. On the other: Score. Tottally what I was trying to do.


(The comment has been removed)

gildedmuse November 14 2006, 21:51:15 UTC
Thank you muchly. Angel is a hard one to get down, so I'm glad she worked out for you.


shadow_mage November 14 2006, 05:07:06 UTC
*happy/sad tears*

You do both Mark and Angel so well, and when they're together...perfection.

Much love and adoration to you.


gildedmuse November 14 2006, 21:51:48 UTC
^^ (<--- smiley face to make you not so sad, even if it was a good sad.) Thank you.


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