Fic: Move Along: Hours

Aug 25, 2006 18:29

Author: Stephanie (Gildedmuse)
Series: Move Along
Chapter: 1. Only In Hours
Characters: Aprils(/Roger), Mark
Rating: PG
Prompt: Hours
Word Count: 2,030
Summary: A series of shorts reflecting how the other bohemians see the filmmaker. Before her suicide, April thinks about how well she (doesn't) knows Mark.

006. Hours )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 3

shadow_mage August 25 2006, 23:10:30 UTC
Wow, I've never seen such a harsh view of Mark before. I loved this, excellent work!


gildedmuse August 27 2006, 04:34:57 UTC
Well, when you're about to kill yourself I don't think you've having that much of a positive view towards others. Actually, fuck others, right?


shadow_mage August 27 2006, 04:36:16 UTC


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