Fanfic: Just Between Friends [Mark/Roger]

Jan 20, 2006 01:23

So, I wrote this really quickly. It's my "fresh from writer's block" story, so it lacks a lot of things (plot) but at least I wrote something!

This is so dedicated to James_girl who helped muse me out of my block and deserves partial author credit. I don't care if the word muse can't be used in that sentence as such, I just did so and am not changing it. Oh ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 78

stayinmylife January 20 2006, 07:07:01 UTC
That was fabulous as usual. I was kinda hoping you'd write something soon (other than the tune up stuff, which I'm so loving, note the icon). It's a gorgeous little comeback "fresh from writer's block." I wish I could write at this level really quickly. Wonderful character interaction, and I definitely had some tears in my eyes during the whole moment after Roger snapped at Mark for kissing him. You're just great :-)


gildedmuse January 20 2006, 19:56:03 UTC
Oh... Uhh.... *Gets slightly nervous at the fact that there are people reading those threads* ^^;

However, if you do read the RPG you probably recognize the constant badgering of Mark on the subject of his sexuality. It's such a fun method of torture.


stayinmylife January 20 2006, 20:55:04 UTC
Um, don't get nervous. It's great. But yeah, of course there are people out there reading the threads. It's been talked about, in other communities.

I love the constant badgering. It's fun. I want more ;-)


intotheseine January 20 2006, 21:19:51 UTC
It it really being talked about? Wow, where?


otakuoverlorde January 20 2006, 07:11:08 UTC
Oh...poor Mark. *huggles him* You had me in tears, there, when Roger rocketed off him and started pacing. Wonderfully done.


gildedmuse January 20 2006, 19:52:36 UTC
Oh. *Is Sorry* It wasn't supposed to be upsetting, I promise. Just Roger dealling with the fact that he so wants Mark. Roger doesn't deal with these things well... Which isn't my fault.


otakuoverlorde January 20 2006, 20:04:26 UTC
No need to be sorry! It just struck a nerve. *grin* Beautifully written, and very in character.


gildedmuse January 20 2006, 20:53:05 UTC
Oooh! Cute icon.


greyelveneyes January 20 2006, 07:13:25 UTC
I LOVED IT., this whole peice is so well done.



gildedmuse January 20 2006, 19:58:29 UTC
Ah, thanks. ^^


flyakate January 20 2006, 07:21:18 UTC
I really like the way that Roger and Mark's friendships seems solid, even though they haven't known each other that long. Tht even though Roger will act like a shit, Mark comes back. And even though he's horrible to him, Roger can still be nice (the "thanks" melted me).

Also, the idea of Rogersexual made me giggle. I think EVERYONE is Rogersexual. Clearly.

Great stuff and well-done scaling the hurtle of writer's block. *claps*


gildedmuse January 20 2006, 20:01:55 UTC
I don't know if I'd call it steady. Dangerously borderline codependence maybe a little closer to the truth. And, in fairness, Roger didn't mean to be, well, mean. He's just confused. He doesn't understand the idea of being Marksexual. It's probably giving the poor boy a headache. Thank God he has Mark around to keep him in check and confuse him even more when those "jump his bones" urges start up again.


vixen_notatramp January 20 2006, 07:25:26 UTC
:worships at your feet:

have i mentioned how much i love you?



gildedmuse January 20 2006, 20:04:08 UTC
Yes, but never enough. ^^

What, a girl's not allowed to feed her ego? No, really. The love is enough. And the cash. If anyone feels up to sending me cash....


nimerha January 20 2006, 20:36:35 UTC
completely OT, but there is something about your icon that screams "monty python" and I can´t stop thinking about it. Tell me please?


gildedmuse January 20 2006, 20:52:21 UTC
It's not at all. It's the picture of Chuck Palahniuk's Novel "Haunted", which is like Monty Python in that... Well, there is no way to compare them.


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