Fanfic: Down For The Count

Dec 23, 2005 13:30

So, this is unbeta'd, but I felt like I was falling behind in the whole FF100 thing, so I'm about to post it anyway. Every and all mistakes are, of course, mine. That's about it.

Author: Stephanie
Fandom, Characters: RENT, Mark, Roger/April, Roger/Mimi, Joanne/Maureen. If you're *really* looking, you might catch a glimpse of the one-sided Benny/ ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 8

theboysgonehome December 23 2005, 20:23:30 UTC
omg, the ending put tears in my eyes. Beautiful study of Mark. Everyone was is just completely spot on. Definitely adding this to my memories.


gildedmuse December 25 2005, 04:51:46 UTC
Thank you, and extra kudos for reviewing a gen piece. Glad I managed to pin down Mark. Hopefully, I can do it 97 more times.


cameraneverlies December 23 2005, 22:40:28 UTC
Tis really was a wonderful Mark study. I loved the first, second and the fourth one the most. Wonderful as usual.


gildedmuse December 25 2005, 04:53:27 UTC
I loved the first and second one, too. I haven't read too many fanfictions that deal with Mark and his parents (in a non comedic or adubsive way) or April and Mark before she was dating Roger, so I got to go crazy with my imagination. 'Twas fun for me.


bohemian21 December 24 2005, 05:42:21 UTC
You're my hero.


gildedmuse December 25 2005, 04:54:08 UTC
^^; Thank you.

I'm trying to decide if your icon is hinting that Mark is sex, or if Mark's scarf is sex. Either way, I so agree.


yodallama December 28 2005, 08:55:33 UTC
Excellent! What a great inside look at Mark. I know this took a while for me to reply to, but I haven't had a ton of time for fics lately, sadly, so I'm a bit behind. Glad I read this one tonight though =) I loved that you showed a different side of Marks mom than most fics do, she somehow seemed more real here than in most fics.
And in the part about Roger vs Benny, it really made me think about the fact that Mark knew Benny longer than anyone else. I never really thought of that I'm really starting to think about how hurt Mark must have been when Benny started turning into an asshole..because he knew him first, and longest. Kind of makes me see the whole situation in a bit of a new light. I love fics that make me think ^_^


gildedmuse December 28 2005, 18:12:01 UTC
ton of time for fics lately, sadly, so I'm a bit behind

I get that way during school. Ack, I hate it. I'll go back to my friends list and there will be pages upon pages of updates I haven't read. You know, tags should work for friends pages. That's where they'd be helpful.

And there will always be a soft spot in my heart for Benny, so I try and make people think about him. Glad my evil scheme worked. ^^


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