Fanfic: Welcome To New York (Mark/Roger)

Dec 18, 2005 03:18

Okay. So I wasn't going to post this until I had a few more done, but I figure now is as good a time as any. ^^ Alright, so I'm just to excited to wait any longer.

Anyway... I own Mark Cohen!

At least in the eyes of fanfic100. And, when you think about it, isn't that all that really matters?

As wickedwitchy would say "My fandom is like Mark... It likes to be tied up ( Read more... )

post: fanfiction, fandom: rent, challenge: fanfic100

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Comments 47

lozateazer December 18 2005, 14:50:13 UTC
Roger, you so want Mark to keep for forever, and you know it. Are all of these going to be in one arc, or are they just going to be here and there?


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:07:28 UTC
No. They're going to all be shorts. Mainly because I only have Mark, not Mark/Roger and I don't want to step on any toes. Still, there was no way I could have done 100 fanficions that weren't Mark/Roger. So I decided to compromise. I have the next two done, and they're *all canon couples*. I'm just as shocked as everyone else.


lozateazer December 18 2005, 18:57:13 UTC
Oh, gildedmuse... *shakes head*


isolatingage December 18 2005, 15:30:56 UTC
much love for you and your smutty mind.
i <3 this.


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:08:37 UTC
One of these days, I'm going to write something that isn't smut just to shock you all...

Thank you. ^^


xlonelytylenolx December 18 2005, 16:17:58 UTC
wow. i really really really deeply enjoyed that.

forget me having your babies.

i'm building a temple to worship you in.


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:04:56 UTC
The temple is entirely optional. ^^ Make sure it has internet connection.


alexhuntley December 18 2005, 16:39:28 UTC
Loved seeing both sides to this story! Mark was very well done.


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 17:01:46 UTC
Thank you. Let's all hope I can keep up with it 99 more times.


toxic_lady32 December 18 2005, 18:39:08 UTC
I always end up saying that when you write something. Do you know what you do to me Steph? I mean here I am, sitting in bed with the most god damn awful cold, and thinking angsty thoughts when suddenly-- I see you posted another fic. And then I read. And then I feel better. That one line you had Mark's small-town, somewhat fan-boyish mind made me get this great idea which probably will never be finished but STILL! You've made me happy. For that I thank you and give you yummy Teddy Grahams.
(BTW, tell wickedwitchy, tied up and spanked? Priceless)


gildedmuse December 18 2005, 21:35:29 UTC
I'm glad I could take your mind off a your cold for a while. And, dude, if you ahev an idea you should write it down. There is never, ever, ever going to be enough Mark/Roger fanficion. Especially if it inovolves the words "fanboy".


toxic_lady32 December 18 2005, 22:11:18 UTC
Oh trust me, if this turns out the way I want Mark will be in full fanboy mode... mwa ha Ha HA HA HA *cough*hack*sneeze* ahem, 'scuse me ^_^


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