
Sep 23, 2007 10:32

I've made the decision to go Friends Only with my journal. I'm a teacher and I really really don't want my students accidentally stumbling upon this journal, not even the innocuous public posts.

Feel free to friend me if you want, though. I usually add everyone back :o)

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Comments 9

sereighna September 24 2007, 07:07:22 UTC
Just to let you know I friended you!


mala_14 September 24 2007, 19:35:39 UTC
Happy Birthday!!!


Best journals catalog! ubscribeblog October 6 2007, 22:36:50 UTC
We have placed your journal to the world best journals catalog to increase its pagerank and
popularity. You can view your listing here: http://blog.ubscribe.com/show.php?flet=g&page=2#gilded_garb
To confirm the listing please either put a link to the catalog in your journal or add this user to your
friends list. Ignore this message if not interested and we'll remove the listing.


jazz_in_paris December 10 2007, 19:27:56 UTC
I friended you, hope you don't mind! I love your icon! ;)


mlsdesigns March 2 2008, 00:02:39 UTC
we seem to have lots of friends in common, so i've friended you, hope that's ok!


gilded_garb March 2 2008, 00:10:21 UTC
No problem! I'm always happy to have a new journal to read - though I will warn you that I'm terrible at commenting ;o)


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