Sick and Tired

Oct 01, 2011 22:01

I'm sick with a nasty cold and its driving me barmy.  On the plus side I'm back at home and have been since Thursday. Moms been really nice in that can I get you anything pestering sort of way. Which is kind of nice on the one hand but annoying because I know there is nothing anyone can do. I just have to down the meds and   rest. Which I happen to ( Read more... )

bah!, random post is random, i love everyone in this bar!, annoyed right now, sick

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Comments 3

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gigi_tastic October 2 2011, 06:54:02 UTC
Thank you darling. *sends kisses from my SARRS mask.* I really enjoy snagging those from the ER and doctors. they are fun to wear.


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gigi_tastic October 2 2011, 06:53:10 UTC
You to my love. I worry about you. *hugs close and tight*


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gigi_tastic October 3 2011, 02:30:38 UTC
Oh baby. *hugs and never lets go* We will get through this TOGETHER. You are never ever alone in your struggles sweetheart. we are all here for you


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