Does this muppet make my ass look fat?

Sep 24, 2010 18:50

 ok random note on the katy perrys ban from sesame street. in the first season of sesame street they had a women on who was breastfeeding. just thought i would throw that out there.

fun, boobies!!!!, random rant is random., random, sesame street

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craving_vintage September 25 2010, 03:27:50 UTC
I don't even know what to make of this.

All I know when I watched the video, all I did was stare at her boobs. lol But I'm an adult and can do that. ;)

First I'm like if the producers had a problem with what she was wearing, than they should have said something to her about it, but I don't think they did. I think because of all the "bad" feedback they got from mothers is the reason why they aren't going to air the episode.

Like some people are saying, the kids are 5 years old, what do they know about boobs. But also, nowadays, kids that young are pretty smart and can figure things out for themselves or among their little groups of playdates. lol

What do I know? I don't have kids. Thank God!


craving_vintage October 6 2010, 21:30:48 UTC

Yea, they are going to be so confused. I would love to see their reactions. lol


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 01:24:23 UTC
will document!!! i think there just gonna be pissed because yet another thing has taken their rightful place on their bed. i think they may have had it and are going to condemn me to sleeping on the floor. but not in any of the good sun spots. for i am just a mere human and do not deserve such a luxury


craving_vintage October 7 2010, 02:04:29 UTC
Oh goody! :)

Yea, we always want our animals to have the best and be as comfortable as possible while we suffer. lol


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 02:08:10 UTC
they aare our masters and we are merely slaves. i also want to see what they will do when i put on all my gaping wounds for my zombie prom outfit. i'm expecting indifference. as usual


craving_vintage October 7 2010, 02:56:10 UTC
You got that right! But we love them anyway. :)

They'll probably look at you and be like, mommy is at it again, role over and go back to sleep. lol


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 03:13:52 UTC
they dont really like me. there just like meh your here. they love my mom more because she you know cleans there poop up and stuff.


craving_vintage October 7 2010, 03:51:23 UTC
Oh no, that's terrible!

And I can't believe I spelled roll as role. lol


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 03:54:06 UTC
eh i misspell stuff all the time and you still love me right? PUMPKIN!!!!


craving_vintage October 7 2010, 04:44:12 UTC
Of course! Always! :)

I have more icons of Fall that I need to use. More pumpkins! lol


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 04:45:48 UTC
yay! i need to get my Halloween buffy icons out. mmm pumpkins. they make such good pies


craving_vintage October 7 2010, 04:48:32 UTC
And what's so weird is that I'm not a big fan of pumpkin. lol I love pumpkin seeds. Yum, nice and salty, but that's it. Don't like pumpkin pie or anything like that. On my mother's side for the Fall holidays we would have sweet potato pie and that's what I grew up eating. On my father's side, pumpkin but I never cared for it though. I like pumpkins because of Halloween/Thanksgiving/the Fall. :)


gigi_tastic October 7 2010, 06:50:26 UTC
i'm just learning to like sweet potatoes, i do love me some pumpkin seeds.other then that i dont really care for pumpkins.

they are orange and roundish. and every fall thousands are massacred. they are torn away from their family friends, and community. their bodies are mutilated. for sport after being tortured they are thrown outside in the cold suffering through the elements until they start to mold. then they are carelessly thrown away. their bodies never receiving as proper burial. hey go through all of this without saying a word. because pumpkins dont have mouths but they do have feelings . stop the madness. so this year when you want to carve something use turnips they're total assholes.
. the more you know. *nbc theme*

did i just do a psa about pumpkin cruelty? why yes i think i did,


craving_vintage October 8 2010, 02:51:51 UTC
Yes, you did! lol We need to get you on tv. ASAP. STAT


gigi_tastic October 8 2010, 02:56:38 UTC
we do we really really do. i think i also just raised turnip racism to as whole new level. if you count the previous level at you know.. zero.


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