Does this muppet make my ass look fat?

Sep 24, 2010 18:50

 ok random note on the katy perrys ban from sesame street. in the first season of sesame street they had a women on who was breastfeeding. just thought i would throw that out there.

fun, boobies!!!!, random rant is random., random, sesame street

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Comments 30

craving_vintage September 25 2010, 03:27:50 UTC
I don't even know what to make of this.

All I know when I watched the video, all I did was stare at her boobs. lol But I'm an adult and can do that. ;)

First I'm like if the producers had a problem with what she was wearing, than they should have said something to her about it, but I don't think they did. I think because of all the "bad" feedback they got from mothers is the reason why they aren't going to air the episode.

Like some people are saying, the kids are 5 years old, what do they know about boobs. But also, nowadays, kids that young are pretty smart and can figure things out for themselves or among their little groups of playdates. lol

What do I know? I don't have kids. Thank God!


gigi_tastic September 25 2010, 03:30:30 UTC
whats even creeper here are five year olds out there who SILL BREASTFEED. I KID YOU NOT IT WAS ON 20/20 WITH BARBRA WALTERS AND EVERYTHING.. so i can safely say that some of those kids looking at her boobie are think dinner!!! or breakfast , lunch a snack whatever.


craving_vintage September 25 2010, 03:36:10 UTC
Sorry, but that's just nasty!

Way, way, too old to still be breastfeeding! I know you want to be close to your child, but if you haven't gotten a bond with your child the first year you breastfed, you ain't getting it now.


gigi_tastic September 25 2010, 03:38:26 UTC
it is! however i have heard breastfeeding keeps you thin and your boobs big... still ewwww. i really dont think i will ever get the images i saw on that episode out of my head


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