I ate Sara Palin

Dec 25, 2009 18:19

ok so chirstmas is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yayyy.. it was oddly nice. most likely becuase we had friends over plus the family. this means we were good. no one faught (though we were very bitchy about the people who wernt here. though they so deserved it. tres stuck up jerks.) uhh we ate... this was nice. I had my first baked Alaska. twas very nummy. ( Read more... )

pets, food, christmas, ipod, sara palin, zu zu

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Comments 1

ladyofthelog December 26 2009, 06:57:13 UTC
The fairy godchild apparently got two zu zu pets this morning and they've been terrifying the cat all day. Yay for cookies and Office goodies!

And, yes. 8 is too young for a friggin' iPhone. Why do you need an iPod touch if you have an iPhone????


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