
Dec 08, 2013 18:14

Written for Tumblr's Klaine Advent Challenge (a 100+ word drabble a day)

Prompt #7: Gift

A/N - Takes place during s4e10 (Glee, Actually) immediately following on from Lips So Sweet.


He was hot. Unbearably hot.

Kurt shifted restlessly as he woke. He knew he needed to move, needed to fetch a drink for his parched throat, needed to pull at the pajamas which were sticking to his sweaty skin. Blaine grumbled while Kurt inched sideways to get out of bed without disturbing him.

He dragged himself to the kitchen with his eyes half open, poured himself a glass of water and swallowed it without finesse, letting it dribble down his shirt in the hurry to quench his thirst. Kurt brushed the droplets away, refilled the glass again on auto-pilot and downed it. A third sat tight in his grasp as he leaned against the bench and surveyed the dark apartment while he became more alert. They hadn’t pulled the curtain to his room, he realized. He wondered if he should do it now or if the sound would wake both sleeping men. His gaze fell on the shape of Blaine, laying still in the dark. It would be nice to think that nothing had changed between them, that what they had wasn’t battered and bruised, that he could go over there, slide into bed and everything would be right in the world, and with his family, again. That really would be a Christmas miracle.

Kurt drained the rest of his glass. He was tired. Tired and itchy. Tired, itchy and hard. Oh. That would explain the unsettled feeling scratching beneath his skin, the ache sitting low in his belly. He palmed himself and flutter in his stomach dipped. He should really go to the bathroom and take care of this.

With the decision made, he headed back to his area and pulled the curtain around his bed as quietly as possible and went to slip out.

“Kurt?” Blaine mumbled as he rubbed an eye. “Come back to bed,” he muttered and rolled onto his back.

“I’ll be back soon,” Kurt whispered. “Go back to sleep.” He slipped through the opening and shut himself in the bathroom. Kurt shoved his pajama pants down, his eyes closed as he wrapped a hand around his shaft. He’d be quick. Just needed to give his body what it wanted so he could go back to sleep.

“Oh shit,” Blaine blurted out in a strangled whisper from the doorway.

“Oh my god!” Kurt spun himself around and struggled to yank up his pants as the door clicked closed.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t think anyone was in here,” he explained quickly. Kurt retied the string in pants while he turned back to face Blaine. “Oh god, you’re really hard,” Blaine whispered in awe, his gaze glued to Kurt’s tented pants.

“Blaine!” Kurt admonished in a whisper, although there was no heat to it.

“Sorry, sorry. It’s just- It’s been a while…since I’ve seen you like this and…” Blaine shook his head in disbelief and said quietly, “Sorry. I was just gonna splash some water on my face.” He shrugged helplessly. “I woke up hot.” Kurt snorted and started laughing, breathless and wheezing.

“Yes. Yes, you did. Why else would I be in this state?” Kurt motioned to his crotch and snickered harder at his ex-boyfriend’s confused expression. “Shut up and kiss me.” That seemed to clear Blaine’s head and Kurt quickly found himself sandwiched between his best friend’s overheated body and the basin as their tongues dipped into each other’s mouths.

Kurt’s hands fumbled with both their drawstrings while hands cupped his ass and squeezed. He leaned back and smiled when Blaine’s lips tried to follow his.

“Don’t think that this is gonna get you out of giving me a gift tomorrow,” Kurt said playfully. Blaine stretched forward and pressed another kiss to his lips as their pajama clad cocks brushed against one another.

“I’ll give you anything you want,” Blaine said with a glint in his eye.

“Oh?” Kurt breathed out eagerly, chuckling as Blaine’s hands slipped their way inside his pants to grip his cheeks. “Please do. Oh!” He gasped as Blaine’s hands wandered lower then lifted him up with ease, allowing Kurt to wrap his legs around him. He cupped Blaine’s face in his hands and kissed him passionately as he was pressed up against the closed door. “Shirt,” Kurt murmured between kisses while he tugged at his own.

He was hot. Unbearably hot.


short story, klaine, advent challenge, glee: your hands

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