Natural Selection 9b

Oct 05, 2013 16:35

Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: AU
Pairings: Burt/Kurt, Kurt/dogs, Kurt/OCs, Burt/OC
Warnings: Non-con, Incest, Bestiality, B!P, Daddy Kink, Innocence
Additional warnings for this chapter: Somnophilia, rough sex, pain play, pregnancy kink, discussion of mpreg.

Summary: Since his wife passed, Burt has sheltered his son from the world with only their dogs for company on their small cattle farm. A GKM fill for this prompt. This is what the dogs look like and check out the NSFW fanart by Val.


Burt wrapped his arms around his son as he spooned Kurt and dozed until the alarm went off. He hated the fact that even on a Saturday he still had to wake early to milk the herd. With a quick daub of spit over his fingertips, he lazily grazed over his boy’s clit.

Even in his sleep, Kurt grumbled and tried to roll away so Burt let him go. Not that the kid went far, rolling onto his back, arms splayed and bent over the pillow. Burt blinked groggily with a warm smile. He knew a sure fire way to make Kurt feel better about waking up so damn early.

He rolled onto his side and ducked his head, his tongue toying with a bare nipple as Burt stretched his hand wide and ran it down Kurt’s sleep slack body. His thumb set itself against Kurt’s clit, rubbing endlessly as he suckled on the stubby nipple.

Kurt’s legs spread unconsciously, allowing Burt’s fingers to dabble at his entrance. He swirled a finger as he pushed into his son’s pussy, still slippery from being used by the dogs the night before.

At his deeper thrust, Kurt groaned and brought a floppy hand down to push Burt’s away.

Burt pulled his finger out and caught the boy’s wrist, pushing it back above Kurt’s head. He rolled onto Kurt, used his other hand to hold the wrist down and went back to work, rubbing fingers over the moist cunt, then sliding two inside.

Kurt groaned again as his face screwed up in annoyance as his free arm moved to push at Burt’s body. Once again, Burt pulled his hand away and redirected his son's arm, this time to trap both wrists. Burt wriggled his way into position, cock stiff and ready.  He paused, the tip easing into his kid’s cunt, as Kurt squirmed beneath him.

“Hold still,” he croaked out, voice scratchy with sleep. His cock pushed in and he dropped his mouth to lick at the boy’s throat, the vibrations of Kurt’s whining tickling Burt’s lips.

He reared back and thrust in again, plunging in deeply this time. The reaction was instant. His son’s eyes flicked open, wide with shock and he struggled weakly against the hand pinning his wrists.

“AH! Uh. Uh!”

“It’s okay,” Burt muttered as he lifted his head long enough to drop a peck to Kurt’s cheek. He thrust in over and over, gathering pace.

“Please,” Kurt begged. “Ohh! D-don-daddy,” he cried and broke an arm free to shove at Burt’s shoulder.

“Hey. Hey. What the-?” Burt grumbled as both of his son's arms began to flail at him. He caught them both by the wrist and held them against Kurt’s chest as the boy panted and whined, still struggling. “Jesus, kid! Settle down.” Burt’s cock pushed in slowly as he breathed out, “I’ll be done in a minute. Just hold still for daddy.”  He watched the panic fade from Kurt’s face as he backed off and thrust in again, shallower this time.

“There. See? Not so bad. Stay there, baby. Let daddy have this pussy.” He let go of Kurt’s arms and pushed himself up on his knees, wanting to watch his dick disappear into his son. Sitting back on his haunches, he pulled Kurt by the hips and kept fucking into him with light, quick strokes, happy to see Kurt arching off the bed.

“That’s it. See? Daddy knows how to make his pussy feel good.” Burt fucked in harder. This was his. Made especially for him. “You can’t take it away from me now, baby. This is my little cunt. Mine to fuck. Mine.” Roughly, he pulled Kurt’s body onto his cock, drilling in hard.

Kurt wailed and tried to buck away.

A kick skidded across Burt’s thigh, startling him. He frowned as Kurt tried to scramble up the bed and screeched at him. A flash of hot anger erupted in Burt. He lunged forward and grabbed at his son’s arm, yanking him closer.

“What the fuck!” His mouth set, Burt shoved his kid down, face to the mattress.

“God dammit!” He yelled as Kurt kicked at him again. He barely heard Kurt’s shouts, muffled by the bedding. All he could see was a bare round ass hiked up as Kurt tried fruitlessly to get to his knees.

Burt’s hand reared back.

The crack of skin on skin was deafening.  The impact was so hard that it left an immediate red imprint of Burt’s hand against his son’s ass. His hand stung like a bitch but finally Kurt was still and silent.

“Don’t move.”

Burt paused to catch his breath and listened to Kurt’s breathing hitch and stutter. His arm pushing the kid into the mattress softened, letting Kurt breathe easier, but remained glued in between the boy’s shoulder blades.

Kurt shifted, arms trying to push himself up.

“I’m serious, Kurt. Don’t you move unless you want another.”

His son sagged back to the bed in acquiescence.

Burt shook his head in disbelief. What the hell was that about? He sat back, removing his hand from Kurt’s back slowly.

Between his legs, Burt’s cock throbbed, still hard and wanting. He backed off the bed knowing there would be no pleasure from taking Kurt like this. Burt pulled on the closest work clothes to hand as his son curled up on the bed. He shut the door on the sight of Kurt sullenly pulling the blankets up to cover himself. Shaking his head, Burt headed to make a pot of strong coffee.


“We should talk.”

His father put a steaming mug of hot chocolate on the table in front of him and then sat across from Kurt.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Kurt, you gotta give me something to go on here.”

Kurt shook his head and swallowed hard, reaching for the mug. “It’s not-” He paused. “It’s okay, daddy. I-I-I wasn’t awake, an’ you surprised me and--” His voice broke, cutting his rambling explanation short.

“Baby, please,” his father pleaded and added softly, “Please don’t lie to me.”

Kurt shook his head again, floppy hair falling into his eyes.

“It’s fine. I’m fine,” he said determinedly.  He brushed the hair away from his face. It was the perfect excuse to swipe at the tear which was on the verge of falling.

“Kurt-” Cutting his father off, Kurt stood abruptly, hesitating only to put the mug down.

“Hey,” His daddy reached out for him, arms open. “Come and give your old man a hug,” his father said, moving to stand as well.

Kurt bit his lip and rushed into his daddy’s arms, stifling a sob that had built up in his throat. He wished he could stay here, like this, for the rest of the day, only with their pants on.


The back door slammed behind him, the late afternoon’s strong wind forcing a flurry of snowflakes inside with him. Hunter was still investigating outside, so Burt pulled his boots and coat off so he could get a hot cup of coffee to warm up with. He hoped Kurt was okay. His son had begged off earlier from helping in the barn after complaining of a sore stomach. He figured his kid would be curled up in bed with Finch keeping him warm. He wandered into the kitchen but immediately jerked his head up at Kurt’s scream.

Burt scrambled down the hallway to his son’s bedroom, slipping on the floor in his socks. Gripping the doorway with white knuckles, he flung himself into the room. He scanned the room frantically, looking for something out of the ordinary and then he found them on the floor.

He moved around the bed for a better understanding of what was wrong. Another loud cry came from his son and Finch answered him with a howl.

Burt stood there, frozen, as the sled dog’s hips snapped back and forth recklessly. Every wail from the boy resulted in another meandering howl from the sled dog while Finch continued to rut into Kurt relentlessly.

Standing there gaping like a fish as Kurt yelped from his position, Burt could see his kid’s flannel clad shoulder and head were crammed in an uncomfortable position between the bed and the floor. He cocked his head trying to figure out what Kurt had been reaching for under there but his train of thought was derailed as Kurt screamed hoarsely for the dog to stop.

Burt jumped into action and shouted out to let his son know he was there. Immediately he tried to drag the dog away, off his kid, but it only made the boy shriek mindlessly at him. Kurt was knotted. Burt’s gaze swung around wildly, coming to rest on the bed itself. He heaved the base up and shifted it off his little boy.

“Kurt?” Dropping to his knees beside the pair, Burt’s hands stroked the mess of hair away from Kurt’s face, uncovering the boy’s tear stained cheeks. “Baby?”

“D-daddy. Oh god, daddy, it h-hurts. It hurts so much!” Burt brow knitted in concern.

“Where, baby? Inside?”

Kurt hiccupped, nodding with a sob; his face still pressed against the floor in defeat. He dissolved into tears as his body’s hitching encouraged Finch to keep driving into him.

“Make it stop, daddy. Make him stop,” he begged.

“Shhh. Shhh, I know. It’s okay, baby. But you need to stay calm, Kurt. If you’re calm, he won’t move around so much, okay?” Burt dropped a peck to Kurt’s wet cheek, clutched at his son’s hand and reached up to pat the black and white dog. Finch panted happily and preened a little as Burt scratched his head.

Eventually once his knees started to ache, Burt fetched a pillow for his kid. Kurt then laid it over Burt’s thigh and snuggled into it while Burt murmured calming things and soothed his kid when he started to cry again once Finch began to turn himself around. Petting his son’s hair to calm him, Burt finally asked what he couldn’t put off any longer.

“Is that was this morning was all about, Kurt? You were sore?” His kid’s fingers squeezed his as Kurt hid his face in the pillow draped over Burt’s lap and mumbled an explanation. “Baby, I- Baby, I can’t hear what you’re saying,” Burt huffed out in exasperation. “C’mon, kid. Talk to me.”

Kurt turned his head, eyes screwed shut.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he whimpered. “It’s gotten a lot worse the last few days.”

“Oh Kurt. My sweet boy. What is it?”

“Cramping. Inside. And I’m swollen and--” Kurt gathered his breath to continue as Finch started to tug on their connection. “It hurts daddy, when- when you’re in too deep. It hurts so much.” He buried his face back into the pillow for a moment until he lifted his head a little and gasped out, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, daddy,” between sobs.

Burt frowned in confusion. “You don’t have to be sorry, baby. We’ll figure it out, Kurt, don’t worry so much.”

“But you’re not gonna want me anymore,” Kurt whined.


“If I can’t f-fuck. Y-you won’t love me anymore if- if I’m broken. And I’m sorry, daddy, but I just wanted to have everything stay the same! I-I love you so much and I-I didn’t want it change any--” Kurt took a wheezing breath as tears fell again. Burt’s mouth dropped open at his son’s assertion.

“Ku-rt. Ah god, Kurt. You are so much more to me than your body parts. You’re my son and I love you. Nothing’s ever gonna change that. You gotta know that, right?”

His boy whined into the pillow and then yelped when Finch pulled away. Finally free, Kurt climbed into Burt’s lap and let himself be held tight.


Fresh from a warm bath, his daddy tucked him in and smooched his forehead again. He’d been doing that since carrying him out of the bedroom and away from the dog earlier.

The bed dipped as his father climbed on, over the covers, and lay beside him.

“You know, Kurt, with all the symptoms you’ve had this week I think there’s a chance you might be pregnant.”

“I’m gonna have a baby?” He looked to his daddy to make sure he heard right. “I thought only ladies had babies.”

His father pursed his lips and sighed heavily, wrapping his arms around Kurt. “Well, kiddo, people who have cunts usually have the plumbing inside to make and deliver a baby.”

“Usually? But…not everyone.”

“Right. Sometimes people have all the right parts but can’t make a baby or can’t carry a baby to term. Just like the cows. Some cows never get pregnant, no matter how many times they’re mounted.” Kurt nodded as he snuggled into his daddy’s chest.

“But you think I can.”

“It’s a possibility - a distinct possibility. How would you feel about that, Kurt? Having a baby?”

From his spot with his face nuzzled against his father’s flannel-clad chest, Kurt sighed.

“I don’t know. I’ve never even thought about it.” His eyes started to droop, their combined body heat making him drowsy. As his head lolled back, he mumbled out something he’d remembered. “Daddy? Will I have a baby?” He yawned. “Or will I have puppies?”

“You’re gonna have daddy’s baby, my sweet, silly boy.”

A soft smile came over Kurt at that idea and then smooches were planted all over his face as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Burt fed the dogs their dinner and made up a casserole for the next day. If Kurt was pregnant, and still in pain, there was no way he’d let him lift a finger. He’d do anything to look after his little boy. He was still kicking himself for not having paid better attention to what had been going on over the past couple of days, even though he’d known that something was wrong.

He’d ring the clinic tomorrow he decided, the one he’d taken Quinn to in Toledo. She’d seemed very happy after seeing the doctor there. Burt hoped Dr. Anderson could help his son too. It didn’t seem normal to have so much pain this early and he prayed that there was nothing seriously wrong with his kid. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing Kurt.


Kurt yawned as he stretched in his daddy’s bed. He blinked lazily and realized that it was much later than usual.

The door opened and his father appeared with a breakfast tray and a mug of hot chocolate.

“Morning, baby.”

“What’s all this?” Kurt asked, delighted.

“Breakfast in bed for my favorite boy.”

“I’m your only boy, daddy!”

“That doesn’t make you any less special, bud. Here.” His father set the tray down on his lap once Kurt had sat up. “I’ve already rung the doctor’s office and left a message. They’re not open on a Sunday.” Kurt nodded as he munched on his toast. “How are ya feeling this morning, kid?”

Kurt thought about it before he answered, wanting to be honest this time.

“Good,” he decided. “Bloated but good. No cramps.”

“Okay good, but I want you to take it easy today, kiddo. Lunch and dinner’s made. Everything just needs reheating, which I can do later because right now, it’s back outside to finish off the chores.” His daddy stood and smoothed the covers over. “Oh, and I’m taking both dogs, so you just relax okay, baby?”

“But-- I can help, daddy.”

“You’re doing enough by carrying my baby, Kurt.” His father ruffled Kurt’s hair. “You ring me on the cell phone if you need me.”


Kurt was bored. He’d finished his reading for school. Hell, he’d finished the entire book not just the chapters he was supposed to read. He’d watched their usual show on TV while he and daddy had lunch together, and then sat through two movies after his father went back to work.

So when the back door opened and shut, he practically leaped off the couch to meet his daddy in the hallway.


Burt didn’t know how he could be so lucky. His son had virtually pounced on him in the hallway then dragged him into the shower and gone down on him willingly. He thanked his lucky stars when Kurt swallowed his cock whole once again. Convulsing, with both hands gripping Kurt’s wet hair, he came down his kid’s throat with a shout.

Kurt pulled off and stared up at him smugly. Burt threaded his fingers through the boy’s thick hair. It was longer than it had ever been. He never could have imagined it - this - everything being like this just a few short years ago. Burt shut his eyes and tried to imagine Kurt as he’d be in a few months, his belly heavy with their baby. If he was lucky, his son would develop puffy little breasts ready for milk to come in later.

He swallowed hard, suddenly thirsty to fuck his son, swollen and writhing, to have Kurt sit on his cock and ride him into the mattress. Burt helped Kurt up off the shower floor.

“Can daddy lick you, baby?” he wheezed, grinning as his son nodded.


Kurt drew the curtains and then shuffled back into his daddy’s bed to wait for the breakfast that had been promised to him when he’d awoken earlier. In the distance he heard the house phone ring and stop. He rubbed his palm over his abdomen, wondering again if there was really a baby in there, wondering if he could handle being father, wondering if his daddy would still love him the same when there was another kid in the house.

The door cracked open and Finch barreled through it to launch himself on the bed, grunting in greeting and licking at Kurt’s face.

“Well someone’s happy to see you,” his father said with a chuckle. “He’s been missing you.” Placing the tray of food down, his daddy tugged at the dog’s collar and pulled him back.

“Settle down or you can go out,” he scolded until Finch lay down at the end of the bed and panted happily.  Daddy passed the tray over and perched on the edge of the mattress, helping himself to a rasher of bacon.

“The doctor’s office just called. They can see you but not until tomorrow.”


“I don’t know, Kurt. Won’t it hurt?”

“Please, daddy? Can we try? I promise I’ll say something if it doesn’t feel good.” Burt dithered as his son clambered over his lap to straddle him. “Don’t you want me, daddy?” Kurt pouted as he undid each button slowly on his own pajama top, letting it slid off his shoulders.

Burt looked up, woeful, into his son’s big blue eyes. He should stop this. He knew it. He knew. But when Kurt leaned forward, pressing his bare body against him and whispered into his ear.

“Please fuck me, daddy. You promised to do it if I asked you, remember?” Burt was helpless to resist.

He groaned as the boy rucked up the flannel shirt that was tight over his hairy belly, pushing it up further until Kurt could put his mouth to fat pink nipple and suck. His head dropped back against the headboard as his kid unbuckled his belt and got a hand to his hardening cock. It had barely been two days but Burt couldn’t wait to be inside Kurt’s pussy again.

“You gonna ride me, Kurt? You gonna ride daddy’s cock like a good boy?”

Kurt nuzzled against him like a cat. “Yessss,” he purred. He shimmied out of his pants and spread his legs.

“You wet, Kurt?”

“I need your mouth, daddy.”

“Stand up.” Kurt did as he was told and stood in a squat, spread wide, hovering over his father’s wide tongue.

“Oh!” He squeaked at the first long stripe that was licked over his cunt. Kurt cradled Burt’s bald head in his delicate hands and ground his pussy against Burt’s hungry mouth. Burt tongued him until his son was practically dripping then tugged him downwards.

“Show daddy how you want to be fucked,” he mumbled, guiding his cock to Kurt’s entrance. “It’s all yours, baby. You’re in control. Show daddy how you want it.”

The boy eased the head of Burt’s fat cock into his cunt, holding there, clenching against it experimentally. It drove Burt wild with want but he held back. His hands fluttered and landed on his son's hips to rest there. Kurt moaned and slid down a little further. His son gasped and tipped his head back, letting Burt’s hands hold him steady.

“Mmm, daddy.” His kid tightened around him as he pulled up, letting his walls drag over Burt’s cock ever so slowly.

“Oh god.” Burt gripped Kurt’s skin harder once his son paused, the tip barely resting inside. Kurt sunk down, taking a little more than the last time. He circled his hips and squeezed his insides together. Burt groaned so deeply in response that it seemed to vibrate beneath his skin.

“Can you see it?” Kurt asked, looking down at himself. “Can you see my tummy?”

“Kurt,” Burt whispered, aching to drive upwards.

“Is our baby in there, daddy?”

“Oh.” Burt squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to drag Kurt onto his cock and fuck him into next week.  He shuddered as Kurt’s cunt clutched him in a convulsion. He let out a shaky breath and glanced down to where Kurt’s hand was cupped over his bulging abdomen.

“Fuck, yes. God, Kurt. You let me put a baby in you! And you wanted it too. Wanted daddy’s cock, wanted daddy’s cum, wanted to have daddy’s baby.”

“Mmm,” Kurt hummed as he shifted over the cock slowly, sliding up and down the thick shaft. “More,” he demanded. “Tell me more.”

“Daddy’s gonna fuck you as it grows, and god, you’re gonna get so big. Swollen with our baby. Oh. Oh! K-Kurt. Gonna have to fuck you like the dogs do when that belly gets too big and round. And you’re gonna make milk too. Fuck yeah, god, I’m gonna suck it straight outta you. Fuuuuck, Kurt!” Burt wrapped an arm around his son's waist and threw himself forward, pushing them to the bed with him on top.

“Ah, baby. Give it to daddy.” He lined his dick back up and slid back inside, keeping it shallow. “You just want the tip, don’t you. Just the tip? Can’t stay away from daddy’s dick. Begging me for it. Begging to be fucked. God, so wet,” he murmured mindlessly as he stroked back and forth.

Burt’s hands clutched at his kid, grasping at his ass, wanting to drive in, to put another baby in there.

“Wait, wait,” Kurt panted and pushed at Burt’s chest. “Too heavy,” he said with a grimace. Burt groaned and he rolled them back over, letting Kurt find the right angle to fuck back on the cock still throbbing inside him.

Then his boy started to move, rocking constantly, faster, deeper. Burt pulled at Kurt’s meaty ass cheeks, driving his son back onto his dick. He pushed in deeper each time, wanting to simply bury himself to the hilt and spill but he hesitated until Kurt started to chant.

“Daddy, fuck me. Fuck-fuck-fuck me.”

Burt’s nails dug into the skin of each check as he rolled his son’s hips down while he thrust up, sinking all the way inside. He wanted to howl exactly as Finch had done days earlier, triumphant in taking everything Kurt had to give; giving Kurt everything he had within. Kurt squirmed in his hold, face scrunched up with reluctance, but didn’t complain when Burt plunged in deep again.

“You’re mine, Kurt. Mine. Mine.” Burt punctuated each declaration with a hard thrust. “Mm-mine!” He stuttered, spurting deep inside his kid. “And you’re having my baby,” he breathed out, panting, his head lolling against the bed.

He relaxed, letting his body be used while Kurt ground himself against the sagging cock inside of him. Burt’s thumb found the boy's clit, circling until Kurt cried out sharply, his body rigid and fingernails gouging into Burt’s skin when he shook with pleasure.


As they turned onto the main road through town, Kurt watched the slushy snow pool in the pot holes, happy that his father managed to avoid the worst of them. He was feeling pretty tender this morning. That was probably because they’d fucked last night but it didn’t matter. He washed away all the evidence in the shower this morning like daddy told him to.

Daddy had explained that the doctor would probably want to look inside him and ask questions about fucking. Kurt knew just what to say since they’d practiced over breakfast at the table before leaving.

The dogs - the boys - would be referred to as his boyfriends. They worked for his father on the farm. Yes, he had two boyfriends. No, he wasn’t a slut. Kurt wasn’t sure what a slut was, but his daddy told him that he wasn’t one so that was okay. And Kurt knew that he couldn’t tell the doctor about fucking his father because he was very young and his daddy was pretty old and that wasn’t usual. Kurt definitely didn’t want to get his father in trouble like that. Instead, if it came up, he was going to call daddy his ‘special friend’. Yes, they fucked, but no, he wasn’t a boyfriend.

He was nervous though. Not about the questions, but Kurt hadn’t been out of town in years and now they were driving all the way to a big city where he didn’t know anyone. He was just glad he wasn’t going alone.

Plus a stranger, the doctor, was going to look at his cunt and maybe put special tools inside him. His father was the only man to ever have seen and touched him there before. Kurt wasn’t sure if he liked the idea of any other man being inside his cunt like that.

Also, he was going to find out if he was carrying daddy’s baby. His father seemed to really like the idea but Kurt wasn’t convinced yet. The good thing was that apparently there was a simple test to find out for sure, so he figured it was worth dealing with the other stuff if he got the answer to that big question today.

Leaning his head against the head rest, Kurt watched the last of the houses slip away as they turned onto the interstate. Closing his eyes, he hummed along to the oldies station playing in the cab of the truck. The Beatles were his favorite.


A/N - Time to meet Dr. Anderson. Will he get caught in a lie over his boyfriends or his daddy? What will the results of tests be? What will Kurt make of the OB GYN’s special tools? And who exactly is Dr. Anderson?

Part 10>>

non-con, hummelcest, media: fanfic, daddy!kink, nc-17, preg!kink, incest, fanart, mpreg, gkm fill, glee: natural selection, genre: smut, bestiality

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