The Sandman Cometh 10/?

Jan 21, 2013 12:29


Additional warnings: Underage sex


From my spot on the floor, I leaned back to let my head rest against Wes’ bed while I recounted my first sexual adventure with Nick & Jeff as everyone around me kept cheering at the movie....

Still rooming with David at that point, I hadn’t had the chance to fuck anyone yet, being content instead with varying degrees of oral and frottage to bring on my orgasms. The simple comfort of another body next to mine, the touch of another’s hand on my skin, being able to kiss and touch freely had simply thrilled me for weeks on end and, until then, it had been enough.

But then the Warblers threw a New Year’s party at Thad’s, where boys of all ages, including myself, had thrown caution to the wind and celebrated with one too many drinks. And while many of the guys lost control quickly, I was happy in my tipsy state roaming from group to group, laughing at silly jokes and pranks while taking incriminating photos for us all to laugh at later. In fact, it was the hope of finding Nick and Jeff in a compromising position that had led another Warbler, Jack, and I to split off and go looking for them but after a fruitless search of the first floor, Jack decided to head back and defend his title in Dance Central.

Undaunted, I headed upstairs, determined to confirm that my friends were hooking up. So far, they’d both denied it and although they were terrible liars, they had kept their stories straight but my ‘eureka’ moment soon came as I eased open a bedroom door on the second floor.

Inside the dark room, I could see one body slumped over another on the queen sized bed. I waited for movement or noise to let me know if they were in the middle of something but the only sound I could hear was the steady sound of deep breathing. Deciding to risk it for a closer look, I tiptoed over to figure out what was going on. With my camera raised, ready to get the shot, I managed to sidle up to the bed. But instead of taking the photo, my mouth dropped open in shock. Naked! They were naked.

A naked Nick on his knees was slumped over an equally naked Jeff! Okay, so they were definitely hooking up.

A quick look at Jeff’s face confirmed that he’d passed out or fallen asleep and although I couldn’t see Nick’s, as it was buried in Jeff’s neck, the slow rise and fall of his body indicated that he was out as well.

I stood there slightly dumbfounded. It was one thing to walk in and get a flash of your best friends making out but a completely different story to find them passed out naked on each other and...AND...I suddenly realized...Nick had been thoroughly fucked. Holy shit. You horny little bastards!

Before I understood what I was doing, I’d put the camera down and climbed up on the bed. My fingers trailing up the inside of Jeff’s bare legs until I reached where Nick began and kept moving my fingers along Nick’s inner thigh, up over his ass to squeeze a cheek. Jeff’s soft cock was lying spent and encased in a sloppy condom between his legs whereas Nick was lying there, presenting his ass to me, still with a slight gape, practically inviting me in.

I couldn’t stop myself as a pair of fingers skated in the sheen of lube around his rim. Barely hesitating, I dipped my fingers inside Nick’s hole. Mmm, warm. Open. I bet that’d feel good on my dick. The thought of plunging my cock inside him making me shiver.

He’s already open. Do it. I pushed my fingers in again and stretched them outwards, dragging them along his walls.

He’d never even know it was you. Do it. My fingers eased out, stretching his rim wide before pushing them back in harder.

He’s still slick. Do it. A third finger slipped in easily on the next pass.

He’ll think it was Jeff if he remembers. Do it. No! No, I really shouldn’t.

“Fuck it. Let’s do it,” I whispered to myself.

Moving off the bed quickly but carefully, I snuck back to the door and flicked the lock. I yanked at my shirt and then stripped out of my jeans and underwear not wanting the feel of clothes to itch at their memories later. This needs to be seamless. Pulling my wallet from the back pocket of my discarded jeans, I fished out the condom I’d stashed in there. I guess being an optimistic horny fourteen year old boy has its uses after all. Smirking, I quickly stroked myself and rolled on the condom. Fuck, inside out! I pulled it off and got on the second time, wiping my now greasy hands up and down my hard on.

I stepped up onto the mattress and walked over to position myself behind Nick. I couldn’t risk moving either of their legs, so I decided to kneel on one knee and plant my foot on the other side; it’d get me close enough, even with this really wide stance. I sunk down on one knee and shuffled a little closer, my dick lying in the seam of Nick’s ass as I blew out a long breath, steadying my jangled nerves. I’m really gonna do it! I’m gonna lose my virginity! I ran my hands over his ass and up his sides, my anxiety building. I’m about to have sex with Nick and he’s not even gonna know. Oh God, this is so bad! Get up. Get up. Getupgetupgetup.

I tried to move away but succeeded in only pulling back a little making my cock slide across Nick’s entrance. This is so much worse than anything you’ve done so far! Isn’t it? Photos are one thing....but then there’s the drugs and the oral and... I pushed my dick back over his rim. Oh, he feels so good! Maybe just a little bit. Maybe just the tip.

I took my dick in hand and swiped it across Nick’s hole again as my body shivered. Lining up, I eased the head of my cock in and paused. Hngh. A little more... I swayed back ever so slightly and pushed the tip back in. Fuuuuck! A few more tiny rocking motions and I was hooked. Nicky, I need it. I need more. On my next rock forward I kept my weight behind me, pushing slowly, deeper. Deeper. More! Oh fuck, take it. Shuddering, I kept pressing in until my balls were squashed up against Nick’s rim.

Mouth gaping, I held my position and waited for movement, before daring to pull back. Putting my hands on his waist, I dragged my cock out so slowly it made my eyes roll back in my head. Oh my fuck, so tight, Nicky. Looking down in the gloom, I could make out the shaft of my shining cock before I thrust back in a bit quicker. Again as I bottomed out, I waited....for noise, movement....anything from Nick...something to stop me.

But nothing happened. Nick just lay there with my cock buried to the hilt inside him.

Encouraged, I pulled back faster and snapped my hips to thrust in quicker and soon I had a moderate pace going, enough to work my cock but not enough to dislodge Nick’s body from Jeff. I don’t know how long I fucked him like that, it seemed like a while, before low moans started coming from Nick.


My eyes widen in panic. Should I stop or go faster to finish?

“Faster, baby.”

Oh-kay. Asked and answered.

I slid my hand from Nick’s waist to his shoulders and pushed him down onto Jeff as I sped up. The last thing I needed was for him to turn around.

Nick kept panting out soft, “uh uh uhs,” as I started to really get going, pumping into him without least until Jeff’s hands started moving; one brushing against my thigh as it gripped my friend’s leg and the other dragging across my hand still bearing down on Nick’s shoulder.

I slipped my hand off the shoulder, trying to keep my thrusting even, as I watched Jeff’s hand move to curl around Nick’s neck, his face snuffling against Nick’s ear. Worried that Jeff might open his eyes, I leaned forward over Nick, planting my hands on the mattress and my lips mashing against Nick’s other shoulder as I kept my pace up. Too close to stop now.

“Uhh, you’re so hard,” Jeff slurred while Nick replied with a muted grunt as I plunged into his ass again.

“So sexy, Nicky,” Jeff kept saying sleepily as their bodies rocked together with the force of my thrusting. “Making me hard, babe.”

“Muh. Uh. Fuck me. Ohhh,” Nick finally mumbled quietly.

Knowing my time was almost up, I fucked with a flurry of quick strokes, letting Nick squeeze around me as he cried, “baby,” softly and for, “more”. As the heat started to flood my body, my toes curled and I slammed in deep one last time, coming with a silent shudder as I tried not to give myself away.

“S’okay, I can give you more,” Jeff slurred.

My eyes snapped open. Pull out!

I eased myself up to kneeling as Jeff fumbled blindly with his messy condom covered cock. I gripped the condom on my dick and slipped out of Nick’s ass barely missing Jeff as he eased the tip of his cock into Nick while I shuffled backwards. Nick’s satisfied groan at being re-entered covered up the noise of me sliding off the bed and landing on my knees.

Above me, Jeff rolled Nick onto his back and started to fuck ruthlessly at Nick’s urging. As louder cries and sounds of sloppy kissing started up, I scrambled into my clothes while staying low. I debated about the condom and in the end, with the need to leave pressing on me, I left it on, snapping my boxer briefs over it with a grimace.

Finally, ready to leave as my friends continued to fuck furiously, I started to creep away before realizing that my camera was still on the bed. Crap! I froze, still crouched over but waited for only a second before creeping back and peeking over the side of the bed. Aha! Let’s get the fuck out of here! I quickly snatched the camera and crept to the door quickly, easing the lock back.

As my hand hovered on the doorknob, Nick and Jeff were getting very vocal, sounding more awake than ever. How the hell can I get out of here? I glanced down at the camera and thought of my original plan to just catch them in the act. Would it work?

But before I could even put my plan of pretending to burst through the door into action, Jeff announced he was about to come and proceeded to moan loudly as he hips slammed into Nick. I took the opportunity at the height of their distraction and cracked the door, slipping out into the hallway as quickly and quietly as possible.
Finally able to stand up straight, I leaned against the newly closed door and breathed a sigh of relief. That was way too close.

A burst of noise from the stairwell startled me and I realized I should go and clean up before finding a way to rejoin the group or find somewhere to go to sleep. Staring down the hallway full of closed doors, I headed off to find a bathroom.


I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering why I thought I’d look different. It’s just sex. People have sex all the time and they don’t look any different. I leaned down and splashed cold water on my face. But not everyone has sex with their passed out drunk friend, do they? Okay, you’ve got a point. Ugh, need to get this condom off.

After collectively cleaning up and getting my emotions under control, I headed back downstairs to make an appearance. Picking up an abandoned half empty beer bottle on the way, I made sure to look like I was pretty drunk and stumbled into the lounge where most of the guys were and flopped onto an empty chair unnoticed.

“Blaine!” David yelled as he spotted me. He grabbed a couple of unopened bottles and headed towards me before tripping and practically falling onto my lap.

“You okay there?” I laughed as David tried to get himself turned over on me, ending up on his hands and knees over my thighs.

David hiccupped and laughed. “Here, take these,” he said, handing over the beer bottles. “Hey, this is quite comfy,” he laughed as he slumped down sideways in my lap, his hip settling between my thighs, feet tucked in between my hip and the armchair with his head resting on the armrest.


“Thanks. See Blaine, that’s why everyone likes you. You’re such a nice guy. Always thinking about me...” David trailed off as he wiggled his ass against me in an effort to get more comfortable.

I snorted disbelievingly.

“’m serious, Blaine. You are the nicest guy I know. If I was gay, I’d one hundred percent be into you.”

“Hell, David, he’s almost into you right now,” Thad joked as he plonked himself on the other armrest.

“Huh?” David questioned.

“Your ass is all up in his business.”

“Wha?’s not even like that, Thad. My boy here is a gentleman.”

Thad rolled his eyes. “Whatever. C’mon,” he said slapping David’s ass hard and making him yelp, “It’s your turn on Sing Star. Blaine, you joining us?”

“Sure,” I answered, happy for the distraction as David’s words about me being a nice guy and a gentleman rolled around in my head....

“Blaine!” Thad elbowed me, jolting my thoughts back to the present. “You up for Watchmen or not?”

“Uh, nah.  But don’t count my vote. I’m tired,” I said as I got up swaying slightly, “I’m gonna hit the hay.”


I wandered down the hall of Nick’s dorm, wanting to check there first, seeing as Nick’s roommate was still in Wes’ room. Easing the door handle, the door opened easily and I peeked inside. Hmm, nope. Not here. Better try Jeff’s room.


Part Eleven>>

media: fanfic, first person pov, nc-17, length: series, gkm fill, genre: smut, somnophilia, glee: sandman, niff

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