Title: Filial Piety
Characters: Vexen, Riku's Replica
Word Count: ~7,100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings (including spoilers): Contains spoilers for pretty much all of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Minor spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 2.
Author's Note: Oh... wow. If there ever was a fic I wanted to MST, it's this one. I don't think I've ever put so much
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Comments 4
I'm sorry I didn't reply to your first comment; classes and drawage kind of stole my time.
But this... DAMN. It was beautiful. As in... damn. Wow. So beautiful. ;_;
It's almost 4 in the morning, and I only slept 3 hours last night (curse you, Vexen my muse, why do you keep me awake drawing all night??) so I'm not very coherent. I'll make sure to be back and gush further when I'm slightly more awake.
So much love. ♥
I could never function on that little sleep. I'm dead if I get less than seven.
Glad you liked it. ^U^ - *retarded looking smiley face goes here*
Yay for Repliku and Vexen fic that is neither pedo no pointless. Even if it contradicts canon to some extent, I enjoyed the ride, yo. D: And the whole filial piety thing just makes me kind of... ache. Stings and burns, man.
It's great to see you putting so much thought and effort into Vexen pieces, I love seeing it. ♥ Keep it up, n'all!
I actually have a few reasons for contradicting canon. 1) Vexen hates Marluxia's guts and probably has no compunctions about lying to him, and 2) The Riku Replica sounded way too betrayed for having been around Vexen for less than two days or so. It still isn't canon at all, but I still did some work to make it seem as if it could fit, if a few edges were rounded off.
The title I actually came up with before I looked it up. Someone on FFN asked how filial piety related to the fic, and I was all indignant and thinking to myself, "Of course it relates! It relates! ... I think." I was pleased to see how well it actually applied.
And I might not write KH fic for a while, as I've been neglecting some Naruto fic obligations, but more will be written eventually.
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