and fate reaches sidewise for another "duplicate". sort of.

Aug 01, 2010 03:39

[air is not supposed to warp and pixelate like that, oh no. but then, a plaza shouldn't have new arrivals plummeting through the pixelation to crumple nicely against the ground, either.]

... oww ...

... What --!

[it shouldn't have been a surprise -- given where he'd been -- that when the ground gave way he'd plummeted straight through to some ( Read more... )

[nightmare] psychomachy, [harpuia] ventus aerius, [rockwoman] mega_maiden

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Comments 72

mega_maiden August 2 2010, 01:46:02 UTC
[Have Rock, unarmored, blinking in disbelief at what she sees. He's like Zero, but...animalistic.

Zero, though, is her friend, and she needs to know if this is another version of him. So calmly, doing her best to act the curious child, she approaches.]

Hello? Are you lost?


psychomachy August 2 2010, 02:13:59 UTC
[the scent -- if that was the right word -- of Rock's core and code, so almost-familiar, brings Nightmare up short. so there are more things in common than just reploids ...]

[that's either good, or very very bad. he's hoping for the first.]

Lost ... very much; understated, very much.

[wry little smile, showing fangs. then he notices his bitten lip and wipes the blood away, licking it from his fingertips.]

[being stressed means it could be viral. let's keep that to ourselves shall we]

This place is?

Rock, you are ...?


mega_maiden August 2 2010, 04:58:45 UTC
[The bleeding worries her, but not knowing where he's come from, it's had to tell if he's let her approach.

Also, she's one of those people who can't handle blood very well.]
This is Giga City. It's...wait, you know my name?


psychomachy August 2 2010, 05:35:56 UTC
Giga ... Unknown, unfamiliar, this. How -- a trap, warp, rift -- hrrrwl, unwanted. A complication.

[pausing, Nightmare cocks his head questioningly and then rumbles, laughing despite his situation]

Different, you; shape, size, bearing, build ... but Rock is. Knowing another, I.


ventus_aerius August 4 2010, 08:04:03 UTC
[the howl of pain was what caught Harpuia' attention initially. He only took five seconds to decide to go investigate. With the layout and building, Harpuia could easily fly to safety if things got out of hand...

But picture his surprise when, upon nearing the location where the sound originated, he ends up coming across what should have been a familiar face? The armor looked exactly like Omega's but for the fact that the color scheme of the other Reploid was entirely wrong. Caught off guard, Harpuia ends up hovering in the air in plain sight longer than he intended simply staring]

This place... [torn between being on edge or disgusted, Harpuia lets himself drop in height until he's only hovering slightly off the ground]


psychomachy August 4 2010, 09:24:27 UTC

This place ...

[one would think that, given his own origins, Nightmare would be able to accept 'oddities' at face value. one would think that given his current place of origin, Nightmare would not bat an eyelash at people and situations that do not quite match up --]

[unfortunately, he's always been worse at that when it comes to more familiar faces.]

... Harpuia?!


ventus_aerius August 4 2010, 17:59:01 UTC
[well, if there ever would be anything that would knock him out of the sky, it would have to be Zero by principle. Or 'a' Zero, as it were]

[so when he heard the other, stranger Zero call out his name in confusion the green flyer ended up dropping the last few inches out of the sky and landing a little less gracefully than usual. The concern of one or two nearby Reploids were chased off with a steely glare from the little Guardian before he stands up and closes the distance a bit... Just enough so that they weren't shouting at each other though, he still didn't trust Zero-Omega-whatever-he-was]

... [who are you? how do you know my name? why so surprised?] Yes, what do you want? [... not quite what he wanted to say]


psychomachy August 5 2010, 01:18:50 UTC
[Harpuia's approach prompts Nightmare to echo the action, padding closer with mouth slightly agape -- as if testing the air for the Guardian's scent. my, what big fangs we have, and what a puzzled expression.]

This place is ...

Different, you. Changed?

[the slurred words trail off in a mutter about 'worlds', before he cocks his head to one side and eyes Harpuia critically.]

A different thing, you, jade-flyer.


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