Cranky Hunter lieutenant is cranky.

May 23, 2010 17:20

[Sure. Transfer to Giga City, check on the operational status of Hunter Base there, make sure Mavericks aren't doing anything stupid in the area... lather, rinse, repeat.

Zero's pretty sure that's not the real reason he's here. He suspects the real reason he's here is because he said one too many of the wrong things the wrong way in a meeting again ( Read more... )

[rockwoman] mega_maiden, [zero] final_number, [x] unyieldinghope, [axl] gunslinging, [x] totalpacifist, [zero] dwn_000, [lumine] irregularlight

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Comments 114

mega_maiden May 24 2010, 01:03:23 UTC
[Rocks been trying to get one of these tall robots to answer her questions. nearly all of them brush her off though.

She's not the type to give up, but it's been frustrating. So when she sees Zero outside the bus terminal, she decides if he doesn't have the time, she'll just take a break for the day and send out a signal to home.]

Um! Hello!


final_number May 24 2010, 01:14:24 UTC

[He turns away from the railing, and glances at the smaller robot. Oh, a civilian? Be nice, Zero.]

Do you need something?


mega_maiden May 24 2010, 01:22:05 UTC
[She nods, giving him her best friendly smile.]

Yes sir. Um, this may sound like an odd question, but...

Can you tell me where I am? I mean I know that my current location is called Central, but other than that, I don't know where I am.


final_number May 24 2010, 01:26:51 UTC
. . .

[Zero looks nonplussed for a moment.]

This is Giga City. It's a series of islands owned by the Federation.


Are you having trouble with your positioning module? I can take you to the repair center...


is this okay? totalpacifist May 24 2010, 01:52:45 UTC
[Beep beep! Zero has a ping from a familiar reploid. There's a generic text message to alert him of the sender's identity.]

-Incoming transmission from Megaman X-


hiiii ♥you betcha! final_number May 24 2010, 01:57:22 UTC
[Zero touches his ear and initiates a pingback, sending a connection authorize. Hm, wonder if it's bad or good news?]


<333 thank you for inviting me! totalpacifist May 24 2010, 02:03:27 UTC
[X shifts his weight until he gets a green light to signify the line's stability., the signal's pretty weak though. Maybe once he gets closer to the city it'll strengthen. His voice is probably a little fuzzy.]

...-ear me, Zero?

I'm-...-air carrie-...-eaded in.


totally welcome. :D final_number May 24 2010, 02:09:46 UTC
[Good news, then! Zero feels some of his mood dissipating- between hearing X's voice and trying to concentrate on keeping the signal locked, in any event. No wonder the base's efficiency stats are so low if they can't even communicate with the mainland...]

Copy that, X. I'll meet you at the Lagrano entry point.

[Damn, hope he gets that. Zero'll resend it after a short delay, just to be sure. And he'll go catch the next Air Bus to Lagrano and try not to be impatient...]


gunslinging May 24 2010, 04:06:34 UTC
[And speaking of punishment transfers...

Axl flops against the railing next to Zero.]

You look just thrilled to be here!


final_number May 24 2010, 04:11:08 UTC

[Zero actually startles; you know how he gets when he's brooding lost in thought oh. But he grins anyway, and gives the kid a light push on the side of one arm]

The hell'd you even get here and how did you do it without me knowing?


gunslinging May 24 2010, 04:33:41 UTC
Some lame courier assignment, babysitting some government official on their way out here for I dunno what. You know. One of those missions.

[And by those missions, Axl of course means the boring ones he usually gets after a particularly epic prank.]


final_number May 24 2010, 04:38:40 UTC
[Zero blinks.]

So you're just short-timing this? I mean, I'm out here for the long haul. At least a two year detail, maybe as much as four. I really pissed somebody off good this time.


Derp. unyieldinghope May 24 2010, 06:38:15 UTC
[There's a similar case going on that involves a non-responsive Zero. With the Federation being as paranoid and reactionary as they are, their initial response amounted to "rogue!". Needless to say, this didn't sit well with Hunter. Already having decided to send in a two-'loid unit to investigate one of the research facilities, the mission to check up on Zero was tacked on to appease the Federation.

A few exchanges with his mission partner later, and X makes landfall. He'd been a logical choice for both aspects of the mission, considering his background with Hunter, and the work he'd done prior to officially joining. The repliroid with him is from research and development with basic combat training. The reasoning for splitting up like this had been that if something was up with Zero, and X personally doubted it (saying so, in fact), he would have a better chance at handling it on his own than if the other Hunter came with him. The framework of their overall plan to execute their missions is to locate Zero, identify the problem, and ( ... )


Bawk? final_number May 25 2010, 03:14:59 UTC
[Well, inside the islands radio from point to point seems to work all right- a little fuzzy around the edges maybe, but good enough for government work. And in this case, X is able to connect to Zero.
There's the soft double-blip of a connection confirmation, although Zero, when he answers, sounds more than a little surprised.]

... X?

[The tone of his voice makes it sound like he's uncertain that's actually who he's speaking to.]


Bawk bawk ba-gawk? unyieldinghope May 25 2010, 04:01:54 UTC
[That's relieving, at least. And, much like he's expected, Zero doesn't sound off-kilter. Really, sometimes... The surprise isn't strange, since there's not been any announcement of who would be heading out to Giga City, so X doesn't much think anything of it. Considering they couldn't get in with their transmissions, it also doesn't prove strange that Zero might not have been able to transmit out.]

Zero. Good, I'm glad I got through. Is everything alright? We haven't been able to contact you. And you know how the Federation gets...


mahna mahna ♥ final_number May 25 2010, 04:12:33 UTC
[X can't see it, but Zero is looking at the X standing right next to him and listening to the X in his head and... one of these things is not like the other. But as fast as the initial surprise came, wariness replaces it, and then a realization that someone is pulling something and his best bet is to play along with it for now until he can get an idea of just what's what.]

Yeah... Didn't expect you here so soon, though, X. Can't manage without me for even just a few days, huh?

[He's making it sound like a joke, a teasing joke, but... The Federation is checking on me? Is this some kind of weird test?]


dwn_000 May 24 2010, 09:24:18 UTC
[Zero finally gave a long and angry sigh, slumping against a nearby wall in defeat.

This place was like a gleaming white labyrinth full of dead-ends and roadblocks that had toyed with him for hours. Every time he tried to access the computer systems to find out where he was he only got blaring security errors, and his personal Hunter frequency tried in vain to find a connection. His futile attempts of asking for help even got him confused and suspicious looks, to the point that he had to avoid his fellow Hunters.

He felt like he has been maliciously cut off from the world, like someone had played a nasty prank behind his back.

He gazed across the main plaza with a resentful glare, hating how he felt so utterly lost. He wanted something, anything to happen so he'd feel like he knew what the hell he was doing ...]

((OOC: I figure he'd have problems accessing anything, being 100 years out of date and all.))


bwahahahahahahahahahha *cough* irregularlight May 25 2010, 03:25:28 UTC
[Here is a strange sight! A slim Reploid in shades of dusty lavender and white armor floats gently a few feet above the floor, moving toward Zero's position down one of these labyrinthine hallways. A floating data sheet is before him,and he's gazing into it thoughtfully as he drifts, not quite paying attention to where he's going.

The reploid does manage to notice Zero- it's hard to miss something that red- and he pushes aside the data screen to peer curiously at the newcomer, finally drifting to within arm's length.]

Excuse me, but you're quite out of place. This area is off-limits to unauthorized personnel.

[The newcomer's voice is very light, gentle - childlike in a way. The visible amber eye of the reploid scrutinizes Zero keenly.]


*POINTS* Evil, I tell you. EVIL! dwn_000 May 25 2010, 04:18:06 UTC
[He lets out a groan, tapering it off before the lavender reploid realizes how tired he is of this bullshit. He slowly stands up straight, trying to keep his face neutral.]

Sorry about that.

[There's a pause. He inwardly chafes at the idea of asking for directions, making his lips thin into a thin white line, but his irriation makes him give in.]

Would you mind telling me where to go?


I'm just an innocent research assistant. Surely you mean someone else. ♥ irregularlight May 25 2010, 04:22:01 UTC
[the white Reploid shakes his head, touching his fingers to his forehead a moment.]

Hmm. I can accompany you to the exit, but I believed I was familiar with all of the experiments in progress on this level, and you do not fit the templates. We were also quite sure this area was secured against intrusion. Before I can allow you to leave, I'd like to know how you accessed this level. Kindly explain?


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