Just A Taste Chapter Five And Epilogue

Oct 15, 2012 13:21

Title: Just A Taste
Spoilers:Season Seven Finale.
Summary:Takes place after the season seven finale. Sam makes a deal with a former foe to find his brother. Based off a prompt by sendintheklowns. The prompt is located at the end of the story. Beta work by floralia2 and sendintheklowns. The story banner is by Princess_schez .

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just a taste

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Comments 15

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gidgetgal9 December 15 2012, 22:54:01 UTC
Sorry I'm so late to respond, but thank you so much for leaving me a comment. I'm glad you liked it!


reggie11 July 31 2013, 14:10:38 UTC
I really enjoyed this. It had me hooked from the start and didn't fail to deliver. A really interesting take on how things could have gone down.


gidgetgal9 January 13 2014, 18:07:29 UTC
You left me this comment back in July and I was on vacation at the time and I realize now I never replied back. I am so sorry about that. I always try to reply if people take time to leave feedback and I'm so sorry that didn't happen in a timely fashion. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. I really enjoyed writing it, the Alpha Vamp is a fun character to play with. Thanks again for commenting - so sorry I'm just now replying! :)


herminekurotowa January 10 2014, 11:42:48 UTC
That Alpha vamp is just creepy... love him!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story! ♥


gidgetgal9 January 13 2014, 18:04:30 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! The Alpha Vamp is just a fun character to play with. Thank you so much for taking time to comment! :)


spnshannanigans May 8 2018, 05:36:38 UTC
I don't know how i missed this the first time around, but it's awesome! Very well done.


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