New Vid: "Hourglass" (Multifandom)

May 19, 2008 05:42

... betcha weren't expecting to hear from me again so soon...

Song: Hourglass by Squeeze
Fandom: Multi, including (but not limited to) X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Xena, Day Break

Summary: All this has happened before and will happen again.

Length: 3:45

Download: At Sendspace

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my multi vids, xena, my vids, vidding, spn, x-files

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Comments 148

darlulu May 19 2008, 13:21:32 UTC
This was so much fun! Definitely a keeper. :D


giandujakiss May 19 2008, 13:57:42 UTC
Thank you!


gonzai55 May 19 2008, 13:35:50 UTC
Day Break Day Break Day Break! Happy now (even though I can't watch the vid until I get home tonight. Day Break!


giandujakiss May 19 2008, 14:23:05 UTC
Hee! I had no idea Day Break had such a following! Hope you like the vid :-).


counteragent May 19 2008, 14:10:03 UTC
Ahhhhh! I love it! This was tons of fun (and yet still a bit angsty, which?).

Favorite moments--

The repeated use of the breaking dishes, capped by the Daybreak character catching it at the end.

The Buffy segment in the middle-end where she is just losing it (ha!).

Clever lyric matches like Sam taking apart the Mystery Spot on "no one's in the house."

The use of the Mystery Spot whirly wall, which I've been looking for in a vid since I saw that ep.

I'm sure I'll find many more things to love after I've watched it a few times.

Oh, look! More to love right now:

-Dancing Dean on the beat (again and again) ftw!
-The Groundhog Day section at the end cracked my shit up.


giandujakiss May 19 2008, 14:24:15 UTC
This was tons of fun (and yet still a bit angsty, which?).

I know, right? It was this weird thing I had to navigate, because some "groundhog day" episodes are played for laughs, and some really aren't. I'm so glad you liked it.


counteragent May 19 2008, 14:33:12 UTC
And then there's SPN, which tried for both in the same ep. :)

I guessed that you might have faced that challenge. It's a delicate balance, and I think you got it really right.


thingswithwings May 19 2008, 14:42:55 UTC
ohgod ohgod, I laughed myself SICK! This is amazing and I am now going to proceed to watch it 597 times today. Really, this is such a brilliant idea for a multivid; I love all the little comparisons it makes. I always cheer when that same old time loop plot comes up on a show I'm watching, because I'll never get enough of it, and watching this vid made me feel that exact same fannish glee.

100% \o/ !


giandujakiss May 19 2008, 20:27:29 UTC
Thank you so much!! I love the time loops, too - and I wanted the vid to capture why, so I'm so happy to hear it worked!


nonsenseprocess May 19 2008, 14:57:39 UTC
I am so, so incredibly delighted by your multi-fandom vids. This was wonderful to wake up to - I love groundhog day episodes, and you make such great use of all the tells/cliches. (Whenever the first 5 minutes of an episode includes an alarm clock and something breaking, I tend to go 'oh, okay, repeating day episode! Neat.')

The fact that your multifandom vids are so broad, and include footage from so many sources, is spectacular. And the bit of Groundhog Day footage from the end! Awesome tribute, and a great closing moment.

This is delightful, and clever, and such a great distillation of the increasing frustration, moments of resigned humor, and the satisfaction of occasionally being able to change something in the timeline that happens in these episodes. (I find the saving-people-from-being-hit-by-cars section especially appealing, for some reason.)

Thank you so much for posting this!


giandujakiss May 19 2008, 20:28:50 UTC
Thank you so much! Yes, I tried to get in as many examples of the trope as I could - what did people do for multis before Netflix?? - and yeah, I was really surprised how often the car thing popped up!

Anyway, I'm so glad you liked it - thanks so much for your comments.


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