Club Vivid Vidlet - Mystery Dance

Aug 11, 2007 12:29

Well, looks like the embargo's ended, so :-)...

Song: Mystery Dance by Elvis Costello
Fandom: Multi.
Summary: Sometimes we need a little help from our friends.
Pairings: Well, they're doing their best.
Length: 1:38
Location: Available for downloading at Sendspace.

Thanks to betas rivkat, sol-se, ithidrial, TIMBERWOLFOZ, and lauramcewan. Flaws are totally my fault.

Streaming embed under the cut )

my multi vids, my vids, vidding

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Comments 13

sol_se August 11 2007, 16:44:26 UTC
Hee! Awesome. :)


giandujakiss August 11 2007, 16:49:25 UTC
Thanks, babe :-). Still waiting for yours... *taps foot*


sol_se August 11 2007, 16:53:38 UTC
Oops..better get on that! I need to fix one audio glitch & then resave it. Possibly add a watermark to the download version. Do people still do that? I think I will any way. I've still got family visiting until this evening, so I may not get it posted until tomorrow. Damn life getting in the way of vidding...

Anyway, I still love your video. It make me happy! Yay :)


giandujakiss August 11 2007, 16:55:37 UTC
I see watermarks all the time. Never bothered to figure out how to do it because I'm just not that concerned, but you should add it if it makes you more comfortable :-). Have fun with your family, and thanks again for the beta-ing!


charmax August 11 2007, 17:03:16 UTC
Ahhh this is so much fun! I'm glad you included the Xena footage. :D


giandujakiss August 11 2007, 17:20:59 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, Xena's a very fruitful source for this kind of thing :-).


callistosh65 August 13 2007, 11:26:10 UTC
Just watched this twice straight off, so I could try and work out all the pairings here! Brilliant. A toe-tapping tune and all that frolicking - I love that you got Xena in there, too! And Pros - yay!!


giandujakiss August 13 2007, 11:54:03 UTC
Thank you so much!! Yeah, tried to pack in as much as I could in 1:38 ... :-)


eveningblue August 15 2007, 01:25:04 UTC
Wow, that was really really great. I was a bit nervous because I love the song, but you did a great job with it! I loved all the rolling-around guys. I can't even begin to imagine how much work went into this.

Was that Scott Bakula in one clip?

Also, one of those women looked like Cherry Jones, but I'm guessing it was Xena.

I loved that you included the Rodney/Carson kiss, and John's reaction. And all the S&H. And Pros. Really really fun vid. I think it's my favorite of yours since "Too Much Conversation." There is something satisfying about a mult-fandom vid that you don't get from a single-fandom vid. Maybe it's the surprise element--I never know what will pop up next. Or the fresh juxtaposition of clips (and not the clips that get used over and over again in each fandom).

Hey, there was no Highlander in that! Not even Duncan knocking Methos off his feet! Shocking!


giandujakiss August 15 2007, 02:22:40 UTC
Thank you! I was wondering how you'd react, because I know you're such a Costello fan - glad you liked it!

Yes, that was Scott Bakula in an episode of Quantum Leap :-).

Anyway, thanks again - and seriously, if you like multis, check out Sol-Se's "Filthy Mind" (I've got a rec somewhere up there). So incredible. Though I dunno how many of the shows are ones you'd follow - no HL, and as far as I could tell, no SG.


thirdblindmouse June 9 2009, 13:37:11 UTC
*snicker* Spike/puppet!Angel for the win not-so-win... XD


giandujakiss June 9 2009, 13:52:19 UTC
Hee - thank you! Glad you liked!


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