It Matters, PG

Mar 16, 2009 00:57

Title: It Matters
Rating: PG
Pairing: SS/RL
A/N: Let me try to explain, westernredcedar prompted me with "spy" for a Snupin, first war pic and this is the result... uh, not my fault that the image that came to mind was of one of the duo's secret meetings, 'cause they'd just have to meet.

click )

rating: pg, art, .rl/ss, hp

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Comments 9

silverisforever March 21 2009, 21:26:58 UTC
Are you kidding me? Everything you do is amazing, whether it be cartoonish or realistic like this. I really can't get over this one especially; the lines of their bodies are so real looking and I cannot deal with the awesomeness that is Snape's eyelashes. Just've got to be one of the best artists in the entire fandom! You just seem to pull everything off.


ghot March 24 2009, 03:23:51 UTC
I've been taking a portrait drawing class and I guess it's affected my latest pics. Thank you very much! I'm really glad you liked! ^________^


hpuckle April 3 2009, 00:12:31 UTC
I'm so used to seeing your more usual style which I adore, but this is just amazing. I absolutely love the realistic feel to it. The skin tone, and their eyes and the gentle feel of the whole thing contrasted with the mask is really gorgeous!



ghot April 4 2009, 13:38:17 UTC
^__^ You're the first person that mentions the mask and since I had sort of wanted it to be a focal point, well, I'm glad you did! :) Hehe, thank you!


raitala June 7 2009, 10:10:35 UTC
ghot June 10 2009, 02:30:46 UTC
I had meant the mask to be a focal point of this pic and you were one of the few people that paid it attention, ahaha! Thank you! <3

Btw, since we're on each other's f-list now can I tell you that I LOVED Thaw? *must stop being a lurker*



raitala June 10 2009, 07:38:46 UTC

keeperofdestiny August 4 2009, 23:04:18 UTC
That is the most perfect, beautiful, incredible Snupin picture I have ever seen. I am in awe.


ghot August 5 2009, 14:16:03 UTC
Thank you!! ^_____^


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