
Oct 10, 2011 18:30

Okay.  Here is the deal.  I love a good friending frenzy, but I have never hosted one.

I think it is time for that to change.

Most of you know how it works, but here is a refresher:

Just post a comment, a little something about yourself, whatever you'd like to say as an introduction, then just read through to see what other people have posted and add some new friends! Oh yes, and pimp the friendzy in your 'journal so more people come play!

Personally I am terrible at writing introductions/biographical statements so, since this is my 'journal and my sandbox, I will cheat:

You are already here, so just scroll down.  Answer some questions.  Say "hello" to Babo.  Have some fun.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

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