Actually I don't even have time for this sort of silly stuff (I really really should be learning for my test next week)... but oh well... I found a new hobby and had to get these out of my system first!!!
So in that well-known tradition of LOLcats und Macros I made a bunch of Bradley/Colin/Arthur/MerlinLOLz and I hope you have as much fun looking at them as I had making them ;-)
Here we go:
and once again coz you can not say it too often... ;-)
Hope you enjoyed!!! :D
Please NO HOTLINKING!! And please give credit if you post them anywhere else! Thanx!!
Comments are love!
PS: If there are any MerlinMacros LJcommunities out here could someone please please post a link??? I'd love you forever... know... for a veeery long time at least ;-)