darthsatyr is away for a manager's meeting until Tuesday night. It's the same annual meeting that was in Seattle last year; this year it's in exotic Brooklyn. Darthsatyr joked about making the company fly him out. (Technically, could someone fly from Newark to...I guess La Guardia would be the closest
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Comments 3
The closest airport to most of Brooklyn is JFK. There are no direct flights from Newark to JFK. All flights from Newark to JFK and are routed through La Paz, Bolivia, with a nine-hour layover and a complimentary body cavity search courtesy of the United States Customs Service. There is direct air transport from Newark to LaGuardia, but it consists of a firm of helicopters piloted by people who flunked the NYC exam for cab driver's licences. They only charge $500, and their slogan is "Getting There Is Easy. It's The Adventure That Counts!" :)
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