somebody's boring me... i think it's me

May 29, 2008 16:05

well yeah.. im bored.. again..

this maybe the result of me being a Sch.

life sucks.. yeah.. when you already have 2 major problems in life and you don't know how to solve it..
or should i say scared to do anything about it...
well yeah.. whatever you do about it.. whichever you go, it will only ruin the things that you build up in twenty years..
so yeah ( Read more... )

a little picspam to make life better..

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Comments 2

heiryzmylisza May 30 2008, 12:21:31 UTC
omg... where did you get that pic of maki and... uhm... i forgot her name... anyway,,, taht's surprisingly hot to look at but i'm no lesbian either!!! ^_____^


ghe21 May 31 2008, 07:21:56 UTC
that's meisa.. i think... i don't remember where i exactly get it.. maybe from somebody's journal... i was surfing and i accidentally saw it and i just save in my com... hehehehe... ^_^
try it in asianelle.. gomen ne..


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