Advent Calendar Thing

Nov 30, 2014 02:13

I am going to try to do the advent calendar challenge for landcomm gameofcards. Apparently these are things people have done before but I have no experience with this. The challenge doesn't require we make things for people, but I thought I'd make a post so people could comment for stuff if they like.

So if you'd like an icon, sig tag, or graphic of some other kind (or a bunch of vid recs for any fandom I'm familiar with), then feel free to comment for something!

Anyone can comment -- you are just basically giving me ideas of stuff to make/post for this challenge, which is to make 24 things leading up to xmas. They don't have to be holiday themed at all, any fandom you like, though please be specific with stuff if I'm not familiar with the fandom. So anyone if you are interested feel free to request a thing, and I will make it for you to the best of my ability!

done with calendar, no more requests!

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