Chapter 40~ Taking Back the Day
In the few remaining days of July, Hermione spent most of her time outside walking. Initially, her feet would only consent to take her around the perimeter of the property, within the wards, but gradually it was easier to step beyond its security and explore the immediate area. The first day she walked by herself down
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Comments 20
I adore Katie! She is such a sweet character, bouncy and eager and kind - can you imagine to have better neighbors than Hermione and Severus when you are a young witch :)
Pity that you skipped the shopping trip and the flying lessons (perhaps with the Hippogryff) - I would love to read about them!
How long do you plan to write the story? Because I would love to read scenes with Ashfordly!
Thank you for your story :)
Katie is always such fun to write. She calls things like she sees them and isn't really bothered about what others think. This has a lot to do with her upbringing. She and Beth have so much background that will never come out in this story.
How much more story is there? Only a couple more chapters and an epilogue. It basically takes them full circle and it seems to make sense to end it here. I really don't have any plans for a sequel. I've taken this story as far as I think it needs to go.
I'm glad you've enjoyed it!
At the moment people at WIKTT are discussing whether you have abandoned your story... Perhaps you should step in to clarify, I haven't done it because I'm not sure about the Mage-thing.
Bambu said the story was complete. Is this the end then? I thought I read something about an epilogue?
It was actually the first HGSS story I read, and even though I was horribly frustrated by the WIP-ed-ness of it, it hooked me on the ship.
I'm glad it was good enough to hook you and I'm so sorry for the WIPness. The 100 plus students here for sports will be gone in a couple days and I'll put up the very last bits for you.
It was supposed to come out like a compliment, rather than a complaint.
Sorry for making you flinch.
Your faithful reader,
But now, I'm going to get this posted. ::tilts chin stubbornly::
I liked this transitional chapter very much. They're wrapping up those final pesky details before settling quite happily into their own lives and embracing the future. I loved Buckbeak! I loved Severus' thoughts about breeding hippogryffs! It's so perfect for him. He's almost as prickly and proud as they are.
I love the idea that they would take time out for a vacation, a postponed, real honeymoon before her apprenticeship starts.
It's what people do in real life, and you've brought it neatly within the confines of your story.
So ... I've looked around for the link to 41 ... does the fact that I cannot see it mean you're still polishing it? I doubt it will be appreciably different from this. Vacations are always a little bit fluffy ... but that's because they're vacations.
Okay, so 41 isn't up because I wanted to to just one more read through. It has some hazardous fluff and I don't want anyone to choke on it. I would have had time today were it not for the closing ceremonies of our Games tonight... which was interminable. Good, but endless.
Fluff to come... after I get some sleep.
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