round one sign ups: Laura Roslin

Mar 14, 2006 22:18

yo and welcome to the sign up post for the first ever round of getyourtoaster. clearly the members of gyt know what's good for them (and the future of all humanity), as Pres Laura Roslin won our first minificathon poll in a landslide ( Read more... )

1:laura, .signup

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Comments 13

quasiradiant March 16 2006, 03:07:47 UTC
username: quasiradiantemail: ( ... )


kennedyismyhero March 16 2006, 03:26:16 UTC
username: kennedyismyhero

prompt 1
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: MAYA!
up to three things you want to see in the story: post-Finale scenarios, Isis/Hera, Maya and Roslin in a classroomtent
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: PWP, Roslin being the uber-dominant in the relationship
preferred rating: G to R

prompt 2
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Tory
up to three things you want to see in the story: post-Finale speculation as to where Tory went, or what was happening behind the scenes when Tory became Billy's successor, confrontation between Tory and Baltar before he becomes president...a warning or something
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: PWP, Roslin being the uber-dominant in the relationship
preferred rating: G to R

prompt 3
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Starbuck
up to three things you want to see in the story: the pairing around 1x13 when Roslin sends Laura on the mission, or confrontation sometime around S2 in the aftermath of ( ... )


ariestess March 16 2006, 04:25:56 UTC
username: ariestess

prompt 1
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Boomer
up to three things you want to see in the story: Hera/Isis' future, healing human/cylon relations
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: songfic, non-con
preferred rating: any

prompt 2
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Six
up to three things you want to see in the story: roslin as cylon god, prophecy vs. reality, angry sex
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: songfic, non-con
preferred rating: any

prompt 3
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Dee
up to three things you want to see in the story: grieving for Billy, dealing w/ Dee's guilt over Lee & Billy
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: songfic, fluff
preferred rating: any

characters you would be able to write Laura Roslin with, in order of preference: Starbuck, Maya, Six, Boomer, D'Anna, Dee, Cain, Ellen Tigh, Tory
characters you would not be able to write Laura Roslin with: Cally, Kat, Racetrack, any of the ( ... )


jennyo March 16 2006, 18:44:00 UTC
username: jennyo

prompt 1
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Maya
up to three things you want to see in the story: schoolteaching, hidden make-out session, food
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: OTT angst
preferred rating: any

prompt 2
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Starbuck
up to three things you want to see in the story: mind games, pre-2.18, surprises
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: mystical-ness
preferred rating: PG-13 or up

prompt 3
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Six
up to three things you want to see in the story: power struggles, scripture, dreams
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: N/A
preferred rating: R or up

characters you would be able to write Laura Roslin with, in order of preference: Starbuck, Maya, Six, um...any?
characters you would not be able to write Laura Roslin with: N/A
any type of fic you would not write: (i.e. non-con, pwp, etc.) N/A
spoilers: I've seen it all.


tellitslant March 16 2006, 23:10:22 UTC
username: tellitslant
email: tellitslant at

prompt 1
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Six
up to three things you want to see in the story: smoking, hair pulling, Roslin swearing
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: other Cylons
preferred rating: R and up

prompt 2
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Tori
up to three things you want to see in the story: political discussion, Roslin being manipulative, Baltar-bashing
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: excessive grief for Billy, mention of Laura having frakked Billy
preferred rating: PG-13 and up

prompt 3
character you want paired with Laura Roslin: Kara
up to three things you want to see in the story: communal showers, an apology
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: Lee, Roslin being totally domme
preferred rating: R and up

characters you would be able to write Laura Roslin with, in order of preference: Um. Cain, D'Anna, Maya, Tori, Kara, Cain, Ellen, and pretty much anyone ever.
characters you would not be ( ... )


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