"The Book of Archers" ~ Starbuck/Roslin

Apr 10, 2006 09:14

Title: The Book of Archers
Author: julie levin russo
Pairing: Starbuck/Roslin
Rating: R
Spoilers: "Kobol's Last Gleaming" through "Home"
Series: The Word
A/N: getyourtoaster:Roslin for furies, who wanted an orange, faith, and poetry (and no smut -- oops!). the poetry is from a Homeric hymn to Artemis
Thanks: to aeonian, my collaborator, and iamsab, who minded my Ps and Qs
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p:laura/kara, by:projectjulie, 1:laura, r:r, .story

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Comments 22

beerbad April 10 2006, 22:09:17 UTC
There's probably no one who doesn't want to frak Laura Roslin.

Ain't that the truth. ;) I loved how you intertwined all the canonical bits in here. And it reads so smoothly, like poetry. Amazing work as usual! (Not to mention it makes me *really* hope for more scenes between them in S3.)


projectcyborg April 22 2006, 14:41:22 UTC
they'd better be leading the resistance together in S.3 OR ELSE! it was so nice when they used to talk.

so glad you liked the story! I didn't necessarily expect for it to follow Home so closely, but I'm a canon whore and I rewatched the ep right before I wrote it, so.


furies April 11 2006, 02:21:42 UTC
oooh. dude, the twist at the end! i love it!

also, this is so tasteful smut. i can deal with this smut. i even *like* this smut. shocking!

beautiful writing. oh, happy happy me! i can't wait for our next writing session. man. this was good.


projectcyborg April 22 2006, 14:36:59 UTC
YAY! so happy you like it. I am unduly excited about it and keep reading it over and over -- if you can't please yourself, who can you please, right?

it's funny, I get LESS interested in writing smut the longer I do this. woe!

I love us!! and the next one is not for you, so maybe I'll make you and LE beta it...


shatterpath April 14 2006, 02:47:36 UTC
damn, that was evocotive...

Hot damn!


projectcyborg April 22 2006, 14:42:04 UTC
thank you!


aeonian April 19 2006, 02:05:14 UTC
Your last line slays.

Love the constellations. Welcome to awesome.


projectcyborg April 22 2006, 14:25:53 UTC
WE ARE MADE OF AWESOME! that is all.


zephyrrs April 21 2006, 14:38:45 UTC
Wow that was truly wonderful waeving of words and story -- thank you!


projectcyborg April 22 2006, 14:42:50 UTC
you're very welcome!


zephyrrs April 22 2006, 15:24:01 UTC
Always feel free to post a link over at bsg_women as well!


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