pinch-hit, Boomer/Starbuck, Pomegranates, PG13/R

Jul 18, 2008 19:46

Disclaimer: not mine
Fandom: new Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Boomer/Starbuck
Set: pre-series
Length: 2300+
Rating: PG13/R, sexual situations, language, kissing
Notes: This is written for terias_mcklay, and is a late and belated pinch-hit for getyourtoaster. I apologize for how long it took, but I kept trying and just coming up BLANK for anything to write. And then I had ( Read more... )

by:lyssie, 5:sharon, r:r, .story, p:kara/sharon

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lyssie July 19 2008, 13:41:06 UTC
Thank you =) They were so innocent, back then! It is adorable, plus, easy to make them sex. At least in non-angsty "I hate everything and you're a toaster" ways.


frolicndetour July 19 2008, 06:30:28 UTC
Aww, I love pre-series fic. Especially pre-series fic with Starbuck hazing the newbies and being a (lecherous) big-sister to Sharon, and drunken pilot misdoings. Awesome. :D


lyssie July 19 2008, 13:41:59 UTC
Thank you =)

Dude, you know Starbuck was the one put in charge of breaking them all in by Tigh. Even if he'd claim it was all about demoting her or something about learning responsibility. ;]


icarion July 22 2008, 08:19:52 UTC
Ahh that was awesome! Pre-series is so innocent and non-angsty!


olli01a July 28 2008, 14:24:05 UTC
Starbuck is soooo Starbuck. And seeing this side of Boomer was a surprise and funny.


projectcyborg July 29 2008, 16:03:01 UTC
AWWWWWWWWWW BAAAAAABY PILOTS! The carefree pre-apocalyptic ambiance is pitch perfect. And (especially given the light rating) I wasn't certain they were going to do it, so my anticipation built and then exploded along with Boomer's. HOT. Starbuck/Boomer backstory never gets old. Plus bonus stealth Cally!


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