Humans of the world, unite!

Jul 18, 2008 11:27

It is now INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FEMSLASH somewhere on Earth, and posting is officially open for HUMANS FICATHON entries! Comment HERE about extensions, defaults, or any other burning questions ( Read more... )


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Comments 31

projectcyborg July 18 2008, 15:51:28 UTC
I'm grabbing #4 myself, mod's prerogative... and also giving myself a long extension.


notpiecebypiece July 18 2008, 15:57:34 UTC
what's pwp?


lyssie July 19 2008, 00:54:04 UTC
Porn without plot. Or plot? what plot? Basically, er, all-porn, no plot?


moogle62 July 18 2008, 16:38:19 UTC
Argh, I hate to do this, but is there any way I could have an extension on this piece? I wouldn't ask but I've had health things going on this year (losing battle with an ongoing illness) that I didn't think would affect finishing this fic but they have done. I still want to get it done: I hate to let people down. DD:


projectcyborg July 19 2008, 02:58:09 UTC
of course! I'm very sorry to hear about your ill health, and wish you all the best. I'm starting people with one-week extensions, but you can have as long as you need.


moogle62 July 19 2008, 16:43:45 UTC
Thank you very much! I shall be trying to get it finished asap (Must. Not. Let. People. Down.).


projectcyborg August 19 2008, 18:22:17 UTC
Just checking in to ask if your story is progressing toward being finished. I can give you more time if you need it, especially given your extenuating circumstances. But if it's a source of stress, I can also go ahead and call for a pinch-hitter.


missfoxie July 18 2008, 23:08:45 UTC
I'm really sorry to have to ask this, but could I possibly have an extension? Severe writer's block has me by the throat. I tired and tried to get stuff written in time for the deadline, but I can't seem to get anything written, despite my pages of notes & research. I am determined to get the fic written, though. I wouldn't dream of letting my recipient down by leaving them empty-handed.


projectcyborg July 19 2008, 03:00:34 UTC
yes you may! I saw your post. I am also late on my fic, btw. shoot for saturday the 26th? and good luck...


missfoxie July 19 2008, 14:20:40 UTC
Thank you! I will try my hardest to have it done by then, but I don't feel I'm in a position to make definite promises. Best of luck to you too!

Is there any way my recipient can be told she will unfortunately have to wait for her present? I feel so bad about all this.


projectcyborg July 20 2008, 03:59:06 UTC
um, I seem to have misplaced the list of assignments, whoops. but I'll take care of it! listen, what I realized is: FANFIC should not be a source of stress in life!


lyssie July 19 2008, 00:54:58 UTC
*laughs* If I hadn't had to get up for work this morning, I would have been done and posted last night. But, dude, someone else should totally claim the third one again, as it took so long.


projectcyborg July 19 2008, 01:57:09 UTC
ooh, you finished!! THANK YOU. I guess I should have given you until the END of July 19 somewhere on Earth, to be fair!


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