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projectcyborg May 8 2008, 01:21:19 UTC
good question! not officially, but since you asked I'm gonna say 1000.


moogle62 May 8 2008, 22:44:09 UTC
Character/Pairing: Cain/Kendra
Prompt: Way I remember it, albatross was a ship's good luck till some idiot killed it (I hope you aren't looking for forgiveness)
Explicit Sex? Yes, please.

Character/Pairing: Laura/Kara
Prompt: We will become silhouettes
Explicit Sex? I don't mind.

Character/Pairing: Laura/Tory
Prompt: I have been here many times before.
Explicit Sex? I don't mind.

Writing Info

E-mail Address: choccygirlmeg@hotmail.com
Characters/Pairings I Will Write: I don't mind (summer time is fic challenge time!). I'll give anything a go (er, fic-wise?).
Will I Write Explicit Sex? Sure.
Things I Won’t Write: I don't think I'd be very good at Seelix. Or Racetrack. Or any of the deck/non-Kara female pilots. Or fetish-y stuff (as is probably shown by my inability to discuss this without sounding like a nonce). Other than that, I don't mind.


pocketwitch May 9 2008, 00:07:58 UTC
Character/Pairing: Cain/Roslin
Prompt: "I never avert my eyes / I never compromise / so nevermind the poetry"
Explicit Sex? Yes please!

Character/Pairing: Cain/Gina
Prompt: "I get to see how close I can get to it /without giving in / then I get to rub up against it / till I break the skin"
Explicit Sex? Yes please!

Character/Pairing: Cain/Kara
Prompt: "I cannot name this / I cannot explain this / and I really don't want to / just call me shameless"
Explicit Sex? Yes please!

(All prompt quotes are from Ani Difranco's song Shameless.)

Writing Info

E-mail Address: pw [at] pocketwitch [dot] net
Characters/Pairings I Will Write: Any!
Will I Write Explicit Sex? Oh, frak yes.
Things I Won’t Write: Um ... um ... um ... Kara/Lee? Oh, wait, that's not a problem here.


Battlestarz Gaylactica frogfrizz May 21 2008, 05:15:06 UTC

Character/Pairing: Roslin/Tory
Prompt: Dreams.
Explicit Sex? I'd prefer it (more than anything else!) but do what you want.

Character/Pairing: Cain/Gina
Prompt: Time.
Explicit Sex? Sure, why not.

Character/Pairing: Roslin/Cain
Prompt: Regrets.
Explicit Sex? YES. PLEASE.


E-mail Address: frogfrizz [at] gmail [dot] com
Characters/Pairings I Will Write: Cain/Roslin, Cain/Gina, Roslin/Tory, Roslin/(any Cylon), Kara/Roslin...any of the women 'til the end of Season 3.
Will I Write Explicit Sex? Sure, though I'm just not the PWP type.
Things I Won’t Write: Anything that involves the latest season (4th) because I haven't seen it. :(


vulcanfic May 31 2008, 00:53:12 UTC
Out of curiousity, what happens if, say, I pick Roslin/Tory, and then Roslin turns out to be the final cylon? I mean, other than me squeeing in delight.


projectcyborg May 31 2008, 04:55:41 UTC
fakeouts aside, I doubt such a reveal would occur before July 19. in the event, I suppose it would be up to the author to sort out how to make a human-ish story about that! a story set when she still *thinks* she's human, perhaps.


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