call for pinch-hitters

Jan 14, 2008 17:55

forget about the pax galactica prompts for a moment -- this is the looooooong-overdue plea for ficathon pinch-hitters! below are links to prompts from the poor souls who wrote a ficathon story without receiving one (folks who defaulted themselves are not included). do a good deed for a fellow writer in 2008 and comment to claim one of these orphan ( Read more... )


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projectcyborg January 14 2008, 23:19:54 UTC
whee, that was fast! thanks so much. and I'll take your suggestion and go number them.


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projectcyborg January 14 2008, 23:27:00 UTC
interesting question. I didn't post a deadline because I wasn't sure how long it would take to fill all the assignments. but I can give you a deadline if you want one!


danniisupernova January 15 2008, 01:36:59 UTC
I'll take #6


projectcyborg January 15 2008, 02:23:13 UTC
hurrah! thank you. as per the thread above, I'm giving a month from now as the deadline, if that works for you. Valentine's Day!


projectcyborg June 4 2008, 17:00:11 UTC
just in case you didn't see the post: I've declared July 19 (international femslash day) the absolute final deadline for these pinch-hits before I try to reassign them. and I am now coveting this prompt for myself, so watch out. ;P


lyssie January 15 2008, 02:49:02 UTC
I'll take #5.


projectcyborg January 15 2008, 04:24:13 UTC
done. yay!


projectcyborg June 2 2008, 18:18:26 UTC
since I checked and you're not watching GYT: I just gave out July 19 (international femslash day) as an absolute final deadline for these pinch-hits...


lyssie June 3 2008, 02:31:40 UTC
asfcdgklj. I KNEW there was a ficathon I was forgetting. Crap. *goes to start file*

Thank you.


furies January 15 2008, 02:56:06 UTC
i'll take number 1, since i think it was originally mine to write anyway, and i feel guilty. besides, i've had the idea for ages now!

though you'll have to tear me away from my crack!fic of craziness . . .


projectcyborg January 15 2008, 04:25:47 UTC
wheeeeeeee! it may very well have been your assignment. and you never got a fic, either! should I add your holiday prompt to the pinch-hits?

you should tell me about this crackfic...


furies January 15 2008, 19:16:17 UTC
i actually need to talk with you about cylon theology/theory . . . you on aim anymore these days? i'll get on if you'll be on.

it's crazy the amount of thought i am putting into this damn thing. no one is going to read it, but i don't care!

also, that was my original assignment. ::hangs head in shame:: i even found the file where i started the story - it has an outline and everything! so hopefully that means it will get done this time, though i have to rewatch some episodes, which i think what hung me up the first time. also i have to find nia's cain story. it should be in your de.lic.ious, yeah?


projectcyborg January 15 2008, 21:42:55 UTC
I have NOT been on IM much lately -- too busy and I'm a bad multitasker. do you want to just make a PHONE date? I will read your story!

not that it matters now, but one of the Cain prompts was originally yours too. and there was that Starbuck story you claimed to have all outlined but never wrote! though it was laura's prompt, so.

nia wrote two Cain stories, "Ambition" and "Flights" -- here's the index.


selenay_x January 15 2008, 20:49:59 UTC
If you are stuck - I'll take 2.


projectcyborg January 15 2008, 21:36:44 UTC
it's only been a day, so I don't think we count as stuck yet, but I'd happily give it to you. do you want me to cross it off now or wait a bit to see if someone else steps in?

(it was #5 that was originally yours, right?)


selenay_x January 15 2008, 21:55:35 UTC
Nope - am innocent of that, I did my Cain round.


selenay_x January 15 2008, 21:57:49 UTC
But please cross it off, I have a plot bunny


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