BSG || Cain/Roslin || You Can Never Go Back: Main Post

Feb 09, 2007 12:14

Title: You Can Never Go Back
Author: AsianScaper (frogfrizz)
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica, 2003
Pairing/s & Characters: Laura Roslin/Helena Cain, William Adama, Billy Keikeya, Kara Thrace, & Gina
Spoilers: Season 2, Episodes Pegasus, and Resurrection Ship Pts. 1 & 2
Warnings: AU, because Razor aired!
Rating: R, for language and mature themes
Summary: This story is partly a pre-Galactica piece, before the Cylons destroyed the Colonies. Also, it's a deeper look into Cain, Roslin, and Adama's motivations during the Pegasus and Resurrection Ship episodes.

Dedication: To those of you who have looked life in the eye and didn't flinch.
To the BSG Femslash community, rock on!

A/N: I'm aware of the time-line inconsistencies in this story and did everything out of convenience. I'm assuming Cain is five or six years younger than Roslin and that the Cylon insurrection happened less than forty years before the Cylon attack on the Colonies; basically I screwed up their ages and the BSG time-line so I could make this work. I'm also assuming that there have been identity/ethnicity problems (and a whole lot of other problems) when the Articles of Colonization were newly drawn.

I apologize for any and all inconsistencies with regards to my knowledge of the Law, the Articles of Colonization, the Colonial government, its military, diplomats, negotiation processes et cetera, et cetera.

Disclaimer: "Battlestar Galactica," the characters, and situations depicted are the property of Ron Moore, David Eick, SciFi, R&D TV, Sky TV, and USA Cable Entertainment LLC. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Credits: Beta readers who have read and edited beyond the call of duty: ana_khouri and selenay_x. Thank you for allowing me to impose upon your time, for the various readings, the endless attachments, and for tolerating my pestering. Thank you to ana_khouri for holding my hand through-out the entire writing process. This would not have been possible without you.

Inspiration came in many forms: Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry and Joe Haldeman of The Forever War of Hugo and Nebula award fame. Also, many thanks to ariestess and selenay_x for the mere power of suggestion; I wouldn't have written anything pre-Galactica if it weren't for your prodding. This story is inspired, also in part, by aeonian and projectjulie's story The Book of Ambition.

I culled dialogue from transcripts of BSG Episodes 10-12 of Season 2 on

Other credits go to the following websites for their insights on secession, autonomy and BSG in general:
1. 'The Politics of Truth: A Diplomat's Memoir: Inside the Lies That Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity'
by Joseph Carte Wilson
2. Battlestar Wiki
Search Parameters:
Cylon War
Fall of the Twelve Colonies
Helena Cain
William Adama
Laura Roslin
The Twelve Colonies
Government of the Twelve Colonies
3. Lifted entire passages from 'Political autonomy and conflict resolution: The Basque case'
4. 'Muslim separatism in the Philippines: Meaningful autonomy or endless war?'
by Thomas M. McKenna
5. Not ever least, to Google for a great search engine that pulled me through the tide.

Special thanks to Kat, my flat-mate, who provided me with a (very) quick background on Philippine and International Law.

The story was written for the getyourtoaster Holiday Challenge in response to deifire's prompt:

pairing: Roslin/Cain
rating: Any
squicks: None
prompt: Wrath (I interpreted this very loosely)

Feedback is appreciated and concrit is love!


( When the last scene of her life flashed before her,
She looked back at the footprints in the sand...

6:holiday, p:laura/cain, r:r, .story, by:frogfrizz

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