terribly late story! (Cain/Gina, NC-17)

Aug 16, 2006 20:47

Title: The Book of Betrayal
Author: julie levin russo
Pairing: Cain/Gina
Rating: NC-17, with warnings for BSDM and (separately) non-consensual sex (I figured if I did gun-rape one more time, it could become my signature!)
Spoilers: through "Pegasus"
Series: The Word
A/N: getyourtoaster:Cain for quasiradiant, who requested "discovering Gina's a Cylon." I really wanted to ( Read more... )

4:cain, by:projectjulie, p:cain/six, r:nc17, .story

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Comments 28

notpiecebypiece August 17 2006, 01:57:26 UTC
this is amazing. please marry me.


projectcyborg August 18 2006, 19:48:44 UTC
thank you! I can't marry you, because I'm already married to, well, innumerable other (at least to aeonian, for the purposes of this story) -- but I'm glad you liked it!


notpiecebypiece August 17 2006, 02:00:48 UTC
p.s. this is not the first time one of your stories have astounded me. can we be LJ friends?


projectcyborg August 18 2006, 19:44:51 UTC
I don't friend people back, usually, but how can I refuse media studies in Boston?! so, sure!


notpiecebypiece August 18 2006, 19:56:58 UTC
awesome. I looked at your LJ and I was like, how have we not been LJ friends before now? we have an effload of things in common, it actually kind of creeped me out.


furies August 17 2006, 18:49:24 UTC
dude, this is so the cain story i wanted someone to write for me! screw laura, i'm claiming it!

yay, violence! yay, blood and non-con and all the things that we love cain for! ooh, it was delightful.

and i LOVED the way she found out gina was a cylon. brilliant.


projectcyborg August 18 2006, 19:42:46 UTC
yaaaaaaay! I'm so happy you liked the scenario. nia and I went round and round about it (I'm indifferent to plot, really), and I still wasn't sure if it was interesting. sabotage a la Sharon would have been the obvious, but Six just doesn't strike us as a saboteur -- what she does is seduce people and gain their trust and steal their secrets, so voila.

and mmmmmm, rape and violence! I'm always up for that.


mandysbitch August 18 2006, 04:21:44 UTC
Thanks: to aeonian, my collaborator, and mandysbitch, MY HERO!

I have a cape and all. :)

I *loved* this - let me just say that one more time. It's funny how you were less enthused by it - you should read it three weeks down the track or something. I bet you'll think, wow, this is actually quite good... *g*


projectcyborg August 18 2006, 19:38:21 UTC
cuuupppcaaake! I should have emailed you back -- but yes, I deciphered your notes, and I ignored some of them but not most of them. I even took out one adverb all by myself! hope the revised Roslin bit is clearer. thanks yet again for the speedy beta, and I'm glad it cheered you up even if it kept you up late.

I've warmed up to the story! I mean, the positive feedback helps. it's just that I wrote it rather quickly, and it's a pretty orthodox scenario. but mmmmmm, emo!Cain.


frogfrizz August 20 2006, 02:37:28 UTC
This was something else. I really liked the intensity of the fic, Cain's characterization, and her inability to kill Gina. All that inner conflict makes for a delicious stew.

Somehow, I saw Cain's violence as a way of shunning herself, a coping mechanism if you will. In a sense, she strikes me as a very vulnerable person.

I always enjoy Cain fiction. This was very well written and I loved it. :)


projectcyborg August 20 2006, 06:08:44 UTC
thanks so much for your thoughtful comments. I'm happy you enjoyed the story! wow, I think you hit the nail on the head, about Cain. I mean, aeonian pretty much invented this Cain, not me -- but I find it so much more chilling and compelling to ponder what makes a basically good person do terrible things than to ponder straight-up evil. she has to harden herself absolutely in order to get herself through and do what she has to do.


frogfrizz August 20 2006, 14:31:05 UTC
You can see two very different sides of human nature with the way Adama's crew and Cain's crew handle the pressures of their situation. Though the show may have somehow allowed Cain to look absolutely annoying and evil at first, we have to put ourselves "in her shoes". First off, she wasn't trailed by a handful of civilian ships and there are a lot of things you can get away with without a citizen's arm, or a system of check and balance.

It becomes very personal; I think that by the time Adama found Cain (or vise versa) she'd hardened and contracted into this cocoon. Everything becomes black and white; that's coping for a situation that you can't entirely handle.

I don't know. Cain just strikes me as a very interesting character to write. I love anything written about her. And your story was no exception. Loved it!


projectcyborg August 24 2006, 04:17:59 UTC
Cain was such a brilliant foil to the fleet we knew, because until she showed up they sort of seemed like the bad guys (well, at least as much as the cylons seemed like the bad guys) -- but then Cain was obviously so much worse that the complexity and the level of compromise in the Colonial leaders' response was thrown into relief. also why she makes such a great foil for Roslin in this series (and why the cylon god likes Roslin better). Cain shows that while it may seem tough to divide the world into black and white and stay that course, it actually takes much more strength to learn compassion. but one can't help but love (or love to hate) Cain for embodying that position so perfectly. plus, I love that she's pretty much ours. there's been so much Cainslash, and I've only seen a handful of het or gen Cain fics, so we pretty much got to write the fanon on the character. mmmmm, Cain!


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