"the real questions," starbuck/d'anna

Jun 03, 2006 00:29

title: the real questions
author: ellen m. [quasiradiant@yahoo.com]
pairing: starbuck/d'anna.
rating: pg
spoilers: the s2 finale.
word count: 1250ish.
notes: for thepiratequeen in the starbuck round at getyourtoaster. i've had a month of hell and just managed to finish this. please forgive me, oh generous recipient! title/summary by ingrid bengis.

the real questions refuse to be placated. )

p:kara/three, r:pg, by:quasiradiant, 2:kara, .story

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Comments 4

thenewhope June 4 2006, 01:17:05 UTC
like I said before, I really dig the way you've pegged D'anna here. you've pulled through her snarky, knowing-yet-knowledge-hungry side pretty darn well.

now finish that Six round fic! *ducks & covers*

oh, and something I totally should have noticed yesterday, but. you've got two sections marked as "v."


jaybee65 June 5 2006, 01:12:05 UTC
Oooh! This is very tasty, and I love the bitter ending.


tellitslant June 5 2006, 02:19:44 UTC
Oh, nice. I love your charactereisations here - very hard-edged, very fitting.


sheepfairy June 6 2006, 05:16:48 UTC
Your D'anna is awesome - she's so manipulative, and your Kara is extremely good as well. The ending really does pack a punch, especially the last line.


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