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Comments 27

edom56 September 2 2009, 13:30:15 UTC
If you don't mind BDSM I have one where Justin is the Dom:


It's still a WIP though.


lumcheng September 2 2009, 18:19:53 UTC
omfg, so many chapters *gawps*
thanks, I'm fine with BDSM, I'll definitely check it out ^^


amelialourdes September 2 2009, 15:34:55 UTC
That's really depressing that all you've read are those kind of stories! You definitely need more of a selection.

One of my favorite stories is called the Fellatio Quintet that shows the evolution of Brian and Justin's relationship in short but poignant vignettes. It's by Eliza and you can find it here.

There are also a couple of future fics that I really like. They're both kind of from Brian's perspective but it has a lot of strong, confident, knows-what-he-wants Justin in it too. The first one's called Forty by Sandra Gia and you can find it here. The second one is by rhiannonhero called Forever Changes Everything.

These are more plot based than anything. If you're looking for more Justin tops Brian then there are the "Jealousy" series by Danny. You can find that here.



lumcheng September 2 2009, 18:28:02 UTC
Well, they weren't hard to find, lolol
I went to qaf-fic, hit the 'non-con' button and it was all sprayed out XDD

and thanks a LOT for all the recs, they sound exciting, can't wait to read them <3


netlagd September 2 2009, 15:39:03 UTC
I'm often told that I write a strong Justin.

I don't care for Justin down the well - well, not too often anyway.

Despite the physical age difference, I like to see these men as equals.

I've friended you at my fic journal netfics you may find Commuter Flight Stories and But is it Art the type of thing you're looking for.

Note: to other people who are looking to be friended - please don't clog up the getithere with "please friend me" in the comments on this message - it fills up the moderator's email boxes. Go to netfics click on User Info and use the Personal Message option to send a friend request (instructions are on the first post in the journal).


lumcheng September 2 2009, 18:32:13 UTC
Justin down the well? (is that a term? sorry, I'm not a native speaker ^^° )

"Despite the physical age difference, I like to see these men as equals."
Great, that's refreshing, I second this.

Thank you, I just looked over it... you really have a LOT of stories there, woah.


netlagd September 2 2009, 18:50:37 UTC
Justin down a well - i.e. he needs to be rescued - from circumstances, danger, himself...


lumcheng September 2 2009, 20:43:07 UTC
thank you ^^


crysty_twilight September 2 2009, 19:46:46 UTC
One of my favorites is besame_bj's Kid.

Brian's particular form of pain management backfires when the tricks he picks up attempt to assault Justin - and Justin fights back. The fic deals with the aftermath.

I can't remember if this is one of the fics where you have to be friended to read, though.


lumcheng September 2 2009, 20:44:50 UTC
sounds interesting, I'll try and look for it, thanks ^^


darla_isabelle September 2 2009, 20:08:19 UTC

Try Severina's Whenever You're Ready http://severina2001.livejournal.com/tag/qaf+fanfic+-+nanowrimo+2007 and its sequel The Long Road http://severina2001.livejournal.com/tag/qaf+fanfic+-+nanowrimo+2008. There's zombies and definitely a strong Justin.


lumcheng September 2 2009, 20:45:27 UTC
Oh, I remember her style was great, thanks for the rec <3


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