Oct 31, 2008 02:06
author: luceononuro,
author: allie_quixotic,
author: rizabeau,
author: sexy_pumpkin,
author: comedownstairs aka jaded_optimis,
reunion fic: post-513,
author: bdeviled,
author: xie_xie_xie,
author: plumsuede aka theconservatory,
author: akintay,
author: inner_justin aka nyrak20,
author: sonofabiscuit77,
author: ryosato,
author: ellyrianna,
author: bigboobedcanuck aka keira,
author: crazyevildru,
author: alasse (formerly arlad),
author: etharei,
author: laciudad aka cara del sol,
author: mickiebg,
author collaboration,
author: burkesl17,
author: randall aka randall morgan,
author: severina2001,
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Comments 11
Here's the full Kondo chapter list.
Here's the Time After Time list so far.
Here's the most recent Time After Time chapter.
We post updates on bjfic every time we write a new chapter.
Can you please come back to this entry to edit it and say that there are links in the comments? That'd be much appreciated. Thanks ;D
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