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Comments 11

blklizard December 1 2018, 04:05:48 UTC
I like Soulmate-Imprinting type stories so I had a few on a list. It has been a while since I read most of them so I can’t remember all the details. I hunted down the links so you can look at them and see if anything meets your request. I kind of liked the Color one by hellmalik. An interesting idea. I may have a few more but don’t have time to search my computer right now.

Soulmate -Imprinting Stories

Too Long Till I Drown In Your Hands by hellmalik
Summary: soul mate au: the one where you only see color once you meet your soul mate (so you don't know them until you see them) and it goes away when they die. in other words: Brian’s world suddenly gets really colorful.

You Stopped Waiting 1-3 by Severus_divides_into_HSummary: Soulmates AU where the name of that one person appears on your wrist. Everyone wants to meet their perfect partner, the one predestined since birth. Everyone but Brian ( ... )


bernerbaer December 1 2018, 16:20:35 UTC
Thank you so much! Good thing some of us in the fandom are really organized (and let little me profit from it). :-)
Wow, I had no idea that there were so many! I think mine is “ The art of imprinting”, but I’ll give the others a try, too.


wouldbedorothy December 1 2018, 04:05:51 UTC
We made a Dreamwidth version of the comm a while back just in case LJ completely went to hell, but we kept this one, too. This one still seems to get the most posts/comments, but feel free to post at both :)

Can't say I know that one, but I'm sure someone will. The closest tag I can suggest is "b/j time travel or shared past lives," because sometimes the soulmate thing and the past lives thing line up.

It's not a fic where they're werewolves/shifters, is it? Just asking because that kind of "pull" often features in those fics.


bernerbaer December 1 2018, 16:30:42 UTC
Thank you for the explanation. Does that mean, that there are two parallel comms, and you get to mod both? Goodness, do you still have time to live? Bless you!
I was disappointed to find no “soulmates” tag (didn’t think to look under “imprint”). After seeing in blklizard’s replay how many fics there are with the soulmate premise, can’t help but feel that there should be. You know, just a suggestion, in case you have nothing to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon...


wouldbedorothy December 1 2018, 23:00:13 UTC
Well, I used to stay pretty on top of tagging posts, and now I'm several months behind on both comms lol, so... *sigh*

I kind of thought there was a "b/j soulmates" tag, honestly, but seems not. I feel like I considered it. Maybe held me back was wondering where to draw the line with what would qualify for that tag (only fics like you described, or fics also where the word is just used to refer to B/J?)... and also the overlap that would exist between a soulmates tag and the past lives one I mentioned (do we need 2? do I combine them?)... I'll think on it :)


britinmanor December 8 2018, 22:37:29 UTC
Dorothy, Regarding Dreamwidth. It seems to me years ago I made a Dreamwidth account about the time Predec2 (Kim) did. I have no idea how to connect with it, and at the time that I created it, I was very disappointed, because I couldn't make my way through it. How would I connect to it again, Just in case.



luvenck December 2 2018, 05:06:33 UTC
I just want to say that the story you are talking about with the diner scene, is definitely, "The Art of Imprinting". I recognized it right away when I read your post.

Does this help? The reason Justin doesn't want anything to do with Brian, is because he's heard of Brian's reputation, and only wants a monogamous relationship.

Hope that helps you decide if it's the story you are looking for.



bernerbaer December 2 2018, 17:38:40 UTC
Thank you!
I will surely read it. Even if it is not the one I remember, I will enjoy it just as much.... Just double the fun!


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