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Comments 15

wouldbedorothy August 16 2014, 21:02:21 UTC
Mostly just wanted to say BLESS YOU for using the cuts :)

Can't think of specific fics off-hand, but the "friendship: justin-ethan" tag is likely to have the most likable portrayals of Ethan.

There are definitely some "friendship: justin-ben" fics that come close to what you're looking for in terms of starting from a canon place, but they tend to always include an unnecessary (in my mind) element of attraction and/or makeout scene.


bitch_goddess_ August 16 2014, 23:45:39 UTC
I'll check out the Friendship: Justin-Ethan tag. Thanks for that... I didn't even think to look!

And yeah, I've read a couple of the Friendship: Justin-Ben fics. But you're right... they do tend to sway toward attraction/infidelity. The best one IMHO is Myrna's "Little Ditty". Everything there is completely plausible and, while there is a level of attraction, I feel like it's more about the surprise Ben feels while really getting to know Justin as a person and acknowledging that if there were no Brian and Michael, Justin and Ben could/would have been a good pairing all the way around.

But, yeah... I really want that friendship/emotional support for Justin that he often seriously lacks.


nochaser_12 August 16 2014, 23:56:55 UTC
For your No. 3, one that comes to mind is 'Getting Help' by HollyIlex. I don't have a direct link, but it's in her QAF fics on the GIH shared site. Deals with Ben helping Justin through PTSD, and becoming close as his counselor - (and they don't have sex!). Not pleasant to Michael, but I'd never let that stop me... ha.



amythesw August 17 2014, 14:31:41 UTC
bitch_goddess_ August 24 2014, 19:24:03 UTC
I vaguely recall having read this before. Justin and Ben bonding always fabulous, Hollilex was a great QAF author and Mikey unhappy in any fic is just a bonus!! Guess I'll have to give it another read!! Thanks!


ext_2704417 August 17 2014, 00:50:52 UTC
For your #1, I really like *Know* by jenn & josselin. These authors are writing from Ethan’s POV in season 3, and it’s the first fic I read where Ethan is not being demonized (i.e. not a complete jerk).

>> http://seperis.livejournal.com/137054.html

I also love *Closure* by severina. It’s got everything, from Ethan/Justin friendship to Brian/Justin love in a post-513 universe.

>> http://archiveofourown.org/works/99352

Hope you’ll find more suggestions!


Something just popped into my mind for #3: *The Things I Cannot Change* by suzvoy. It's an AU where Brian is an alcoholic in season 1 - and Emmett actually becomes Justin's friend (more than he is, I think, in canon). Can be found on Aly's GIH under suzvoy's name.


sandraj60 August 17 2014, 01:16:47 UTC
Apparently, we share most than just a similar name. I agree whole heartily with your “rant”. I have always enjoyed stories like the ones you requested. I do feel that the writers didn’t know what to do with Justin’s character. I won’t expound any further because you have done an excellent job, but just one more thing - I thought I was the only one who was not always enamored of Daphne as a best friend.

Anyway for #1, Stepping Out of the Darkness by Wildsweet Angel for 1:

The Dog Star by Nightvision55 is excellent. Ethan is such a sweetheart:


nightvision55 August 17 2014, 11:48:15 UTC
Ah, thank you for the rec, hun! Although I feel I should point out Dog Star is an AU, all from Brian's POV, and the Ethan/Justin friendship isn't central to the story. I hope you like it anyway.


sandraj60 August 17 2014, 13:14:34 UTC
Oops! You're right, but when I think of a likable Ethan, The Dog star is one of the first that comes to mind. I never even thought of the canon aspect of it.


urugwaj August 20 2014, 09:32:55 UTC
"Dog Star" at fanfictions.net is not finished, right? But this is fantastic fic! Is there any other place where I can read this to the end or maybe this will be a permanent wip?

p.s. sorry for my "English" but this is not my first language


sandraj60 August 17 2014, 14:20:54 UTC
Let me make up for my snafu:

Astoundingly Romantic and sequels (?) by Cathy:

I Didn’t Stand a Chance and sequels by Cheryl:

They are all canon related (but that AU Dog Star is still good;)).

PS: They may state that they are in-progress but they are


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