Looking for Foreign Language Fan Fiction sites.

May 14, 2014 12:23

I fell so in love with some stories from a German fan fiction site, that I’m trying to learn the language (it’s a slow process with my age and busy schedule ;P). I was wondering if anyone knew of any other foreign language QAF fan fiction sites. I mean, I can Bing translate with the best of them, LOL ( Read more... )

foreign language fic or translations

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Comments 22

wouldbedorothy May 14 2014, 17:37:47 UTC
Hey Sandra, what German fic site have you already been to? (So people don't rec the same one.)

There is the qaf_translated comm. I don't think it's active anymore, but you can click on "language: german" to bring up fics.

And if you haven't been through our "foreign language fic or translations" tag yet, should be some things in there.

Congrats on learning a new language!


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 17:45:24 UTC
As usual, I didn't think of looking for the appropriate tag until after I posted (I did mention something about my age, didn't I ;P).

The German site is:

They have about 600 QAF fics there. I've gotten rather spoiled. I'm hoping the others are just as prolific. I'll be sure to update if I don't find the other foreign sites up to par for my greediness. :)


dunderklumpen May 14 2014, 18:50:18 UTC
Just here to confirm that yes, unfortunately qaf_translated isn't active anymore. But I didn't want to delete the community...


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 23:08:40 UTC
Thank you for not deleting the site. I did find a few fics there.



kate_anders May 14 2014, 20:08:12 UTC
I use the translator and read all types of foreign fanfiction, too :) Here there is Italian site. But you need to create an account - it's not difficult, I managed to do it rather quickly. http://www.efpfanfic.net/categories.php?catid=698&parentcatid=698


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 23:10:39 UTC
Thanks. I tried that site before and couldn't get through the registration. Let me try again.

Update: Hey, I did it. \O/

Thank you. I don't know what happened before.



ligiaelena May 14 2014, 20:25:39 UTC
In spanish:

Is tagged only by author or challenges. But if your are interested we can guide you :)


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 23:38:56 UTC
That site looks yummy. I'm very interested. I just don't know where to start. I'm going to have to play with it for a bit, but I will appreciate all the help I can get.

Thank you. I can see I'm going to get myself in all sorts of trouble with housework, LOL.



chase37 May 14 2014, 20:59:41 UTC
Well, if u r really tryin' to learn... I don't think there are any fics & it's not been active for a few years, but if u wanna brush up a little... it's QAF & it's German.


Also... it's got a good songs by episode list & might be a good backup just incase anything ever goes wrong with the 'Princess of Babylon' site (@ sidebar - which, btw, at the moment I can't get thru to...keep getting a 'server stopped responding' msg.) ✓ it out, it's fairly comprehensive - Click there on 'Media' then 'Songs'


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 23:46:03 UTC
Ach de lieber Gott!

That site might be just what I need. And it's so pretty, too.




pet0511 May 15 2014, 05:18:41 UTC
As always it makes me happy to see you using German words.

Du bist klasse!

Drück Dich,


sandraj60 May 16 2014, 16:45:48 UTC
Hallo Pet,

Ich war in letzter Zeit sehr beschaftigt. Mein Sohn muss verlangt viele Arzttermin. Aber er ist gute.

Now I probably said something like “my son must lick always appointments” or something, LOL. I still haven’t given up, just limited time. You have been inspirational in my trying to learn a foreign language and have gotten me here asking for more foreign fan fiction. I hope you are doing well and I hope to become more articulate in your language before my 90th birthday. ;)

Umarmungen und Küsse,

PS: What is Druck Dich? (hugs? Ya killin’ me)


debv3 May 14 2014, 23:43:47 UTC
There are 8 stories in German at Midnight Whispers http://midnightwhispers.ca/browse.php?type=categories&catid=61

As I do not speak or read German I can not speak to the quality of the stories.


sandraj60 May 14 2014, 23:53:30 UTC
Hmm... and I thought I read all of the German ones before. It looks like I may have missed one or two. Thank you so much for pointing them out.



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