Dec 10, 2013 12:42
b/j speak foreign language,
author: scoobygang8,
b/j wait to have sex,
abandoned wip,
justin has allergies or asthma,
justin paints a mural,
b/j meet a different way,
b/j go shopping,
b/j travel,
b/j live in another house/city/country,
strong justin,
b/j write letters or emails,
justin living in europe,
b/j drunk or stoned
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Comments 4
Sadly, if it is this story was never finished. :(
Please update your post :)
I'd love it to be finished, but it's generally only considered acceptable for someone to take over with original author's permission, and I don't know if anyone has heard from or talked to Jules (scoobygang8) lately.
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