Mod post

Apr 03, 2007 18:05

Hello, everyone :D

There's a few things I'd like to mention:

1) I remember coming to LJ and not having any clue as to what editing meant, but it really is very simple. And I wanted to suggest that those of you who do not know how it works use their own private LJ to practice. Really, nothing is easier than editing a post ;)

So, you go to said post you want to edit, click on the comments or the LJ-cut (cause that way you’re really *inside* the post) and you will see a row of buttons on the top - a green arrow for the previous entry, the little heart with the plus to add an entry to your memories, the little pencil to edit something, the tag button (which you really don’t need to worry about in this comm, as adding tags is usually my job :D) the tracking button to stay on top of things, and another green arrow for the next entry.

Not surprisingly, it’s the little pencil that does the trick if you want to edit a post :) So, you click on that thing -->
, the original mask you wrote your entry in will pop up again and you will be able to change whatever it is you want to change. Then you click on “save entry” at the bottom and you’re done! Ta Da! :)

Really, give it a try. It's a snap ;D

2) Please keep in mind that this is a community to look for things related to QaF. It is NOT a place to rec your personal favorites. I know the difference can be hard to see sometimes, since more fic is usually better than less fic, but still - there is a difference between a post about, say, Gus!fic, which actually lists ten or more fic which were found in a private journal, and a post just *linking* to another journal. Just as much a difference as there is between a post reccing five gapfillers from 203 and a post just reccing everything that ever came to mind. Again, I understand if you disagree about the distinctions, but I’d like to keep all the entries in here SPECIFIC, and you know, in HERE.

3) What we can do though, and I'd love to hear opinions on that one, is to have
a) either some permanent links with general fic recs on the comm's profile page, or,
b) one big post in here, to which everybody could post their general links and favorite fic in the comments. I'd appreciate any input :D

Last, but not least - a reminder of another kind :D
*All* the tags can be found here.
All the found it! tags are here - and will probably be listed in the memories, too, at some point. Really, I'm getting there :P
A link to said memories.
And as good a start as any for those days without fic, the found recs/seeking recs tag.

Thanks for listening, and happy hunting, everyone :D

mod post: rules, mod post: housekeeping

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