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Comments 21

duffy_60 July 20 2012, 09:31:02 UTC
that's an installment in the Sunshine Files.
I believe it's the section entitled "It's All Downhill From Here." It's the vacation from hell for them!



gilesgirl July 20 2012, 09:35:47 UTC
THANK YOU duffy_60! I'm currently re-reading this AMAZING series and I swore this fic I'm looking for, is part of the Sunshine Files, but wasn't too sure.



duffy_60 July 20 2012, 09:58:11 UTC
You are most welcome! I know it can drive you mad when you know you've read something and can't find it again. :-))



gilesgirl July 20 2012, 20:12:52 UTC
OMGYES! It can be absolutely maddening when you can't find something you've read before. :)

So thanks again and later! ;D


sjmpets July 20 2012, 15:50:31 UTC
Also read mickiebg's Animal Crackers. Sorry I can't link from my phone, but it's on her site.
I believe Brian and Justin travel the world for about six months to a year. Superb read. Really enjoyable.


gilesgirl July 20 2012, 20:11:55 UTC
sjmpets OOH! Thanks for the rec! I'll try and find it. :)


gilesgirl July 20 2012, 23:01:40 UTC
THANK YOU, debv3! :)


wouldbedorothy July 21 2012, 02:50:38 UTC
Hey hon, you don't need to worry about tags! Only the mods can tag.

When I tag this post, one I will definitely put on it is "b/j vacation fic," so that's something you can look under if you ever lose the link again :)


gilesgirl July 21 2012, 03:55:28 UTC
Okay and thank you! :)


court1429 July 21 2012, 18:10:17 UTC
I have to take the opportunity to pimp one of my all-time fave series ever (and one of the first dozen or so I happened across in my online rambling after finding out something such as fanfic even existed lol), quinn222's incredibly creative and brill epistolic fiction: Correspondence, Adventures, Interlude, and Changes.

There are a few vacations in Correspondence, Adventures is a year-long around the world trip, and there are vacations in the other two, as well. Besides, you'll be so hooked, you won't care if it's not all vacation!fic. ;) I suggest you not only eat these up with a spoon, but do yourself the favor of saving each and every jpeg to your hard drive. I'm not kidding when I say I return to this fic over and over.

edited to correct html and typos


vlredreign July 22 2012, 05:22:40 UTC

And don't forget Summer! That's about them at the vacation house in the Hamptons. I think that all but the last 10 installments are at the Kinnetik.org site, and the rest is at Quinn's LJ.


gilesgirl July 22 2012, 08:30:32 UTC
Where's the link to "Summer"? :) And thanks!!


court1429 July 22 2012, 23:10:14 UTC

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