Into 5,083 posts, some wank must fall

Nov 10, 2010 15:45

Well, it's 5,082 posts now... :) Gotta say that today's now-deleted post is the first of its kind that we've ever seen in this community. And dickish as it was, one post out of 5000+ is not even a blip on the meter.

For those who didn't see the post and wonder what's up, someone who rounded up a bunch of fics that are no longer available for sharing in this community, decided she'd create a new username expressly to upload said fics to an individual 4Shared page and then posted the link here in the comm.

As we've said repeatedly, what anybody chooses to save to their own hard drive and share privately is not and cannot be any of our business, but *in this community*, we go by the rules that have been posted. There aren't many, but one rule that is if an author ever notifies the maintainers that they have pulled their fics and they ask specifically that sharing *within the comm* be disallowed, we will abide by that author's request.

So far, the only author who's done so is jans_intentions. niquita_gia is the author who notified us today of this now-deleted post and has made a similar request regarding her fic, which we will honor.

As far as Carly's "That Darn Gus" fic, no such request has been made. Apparently, she posted her fics to and they were made unavailable because that archive has been dead for over 18 months now and the current owner chooses not to release it for someone else to step up and maintain. But if the archive came back online, that fic and many others would be available once more.

This should answer any questions regarding the wee bit of drama that is now over and done with. Carry on reading and searching and being the awesome comm members that you all are!

fandom: good getithere convos, mod post: rules, mod post: housekeeping

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