Fic: We're Not in Kansas Anymore (1/6)

Jan 13, 2008 22:40

We’re Not in Kansas Anymore a gift for heidi8
Author: gestaltrose
Title: We’re Not in Kansas Anymore 1/6 (complete)
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Jack/Harry/Ianto eventualy
Rating: NC-17, it doesn't start there but it gets there
Word count: 4,000 this part 19,000 or so total
Beta: My lovely 'biza, britpicked by quill_lumos and kuhekabir
Spoilers: Season One and Two of Supernatural then AU, Part of Season One of Torchwood then AU, AU Harry Potter but some spoilers I guess, oh and Season Two of the latest incarnation of Dr Who.
Warnings: Crossover: Supernatural, Harry Potter, and Torchwood. A bit of cursing for this part.
Disclaimer: This is just a story it came out of my own head. Sam and Dean belong to Kripke, Harry Potter and Company belong to Rowling, and Jack and the Torchwood crew belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC. No money is being made from this story... who would buy it?
Summary: *deep breath* Sam and Dean from my Don’t Touch story (which you don’t have to read to understand this one) find themselves in Wales and neck deep in trouble, like usual.
Notes: This was written as a pitch-hit for spn_holidays. heidi8 said, "(I am fine with Wincest, other slash, het or gen, and any rating is fine) Anything preseries crossed over with Heroes, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, West Wing, Doctor Who, Torchwood, the film Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, or Legally Blonde (film or musical). Oh, or Harry Potter! " Well it’s not pre-series but I already had part of this written since last year. I hope you like it.

Sam lay still and opened his eyes. This wasn’t the first time he had woken up in a strange place. He blinked. It wasn’t even the first time he couldn’t read the first writing that he saw. Blinking again, he turned his head and heaved a sigh of relief. Dean. Thank God. The air hissed out of his mouth as he suddenly recognized one of the words on the little plaque on the table. It was Welsh.

Sitting up, Sam Winchester looked around a bit more carefully. Holiday Inn, he noticed the letterhead stationary on the bedside table. One bed which he was sharing with Dean, who was still fucking sleeping while Sam had a panic attack. He shoved his brother.

“What?” Dean mumbled and rolled over, never bothering to open his eyes.

Sam shoved him again and was ignored. Getting out of bed, he walked to the window and looked out. They were not in Kansas any more. Kansas didn’t have an ocean. “Dean, get your ass up now,” Sam said in a voice that threatened violence if it wasn’t complied with.

Dean sat up with his eyes still half closed. “What?”

“Open your eyes and see.”

Eyes blinked open and then shut again, quickly. “Shut the damn curtain.”

Letting the curtain drop, Sam crossed his arms and looked at his brother. “What time is it?”

“Six in the blinking morning,” Dean told him after glaring at his watch for a moment.

“Does that look like six in the morning sunshine to you, Dean?”

“No, watch must be messed up.”

“Wrong. We’re the ones who are messed up.”

Now Dean glanced at Sam. “What?”

“Where would we be if I told you we were,” he turned the clock on the small table by the window so that he could read it, “oh, about six hours ahead of Kansas?”

“We traveled in time? Oh, I get it, you set my watch back,” Dean laughed until he saw that Sam wasn’t joking.

“England, Dean. No, Wales, to tell the truth.” Picking up the stationary, he flung it at his brother. “A queen bed last night and now a king!” Sam wanted to smack Dean.

Dean read the letterhead. “Cardiff? Where the fuck is Cardiff, Wales?”

Sam stared at Dean, dumbfounded. Did he really mean it? Eyes locked and all Sam saw was questions. “Wales, Dean. As in Great Britain, as in across the Atlantic Ocean.”

He looked at Dean to check his expression. Still questioning. Damn.

Dean smirked at Sam. “Wow, you had me for a moment. Ha. It’s really good, Sammy, you just shouldn’t try to fool the master.”

Refraining from beating his brother to a pulp was very difficult. “Dean,” Sam said calmly and coolly. “We are in Cardiff, Wales.”

There was the sound of a key in the door and Sam dove for his clothes while Dean dove for his gun. All of it was missing. The door swung open and a maid pushed a cart in, mumbling to herself. “Gonna take a break, sit down and watch the telly.” Then she looked up and screamed.

Sam, glad that he didn’t sleep in the nude, held a hand out in a peace gesture as Dean cursed. “Where’s my gun?”

At that, the maid fainted.

“Nothing came with us, Dean.” Sam had just thought about the bowl. The one that they had worked so hard to get their hands on.

“Nothing came with us. Nothing came with us!” Now panicked, Dean rushed past the unconscious maid and out the door. Finding his way out to the back of the hotel, Sam hot on his heels, he let out a wail as he saw the parking lot. “My baby!”

“You’re worried about the fucking Impala? Don’t you think we need to be working on something else?” Sam looked around and saw what seemed to be the manager of the motel, heading for them with a very determined look.

“How did you get into room 312? No matter, you must pay or I’ll call the police.” Sam was reaching for his wallet when he remembered, no pants, no anything.

“Listen, Mister.”

“Oh, you’re American.”

“Yeah, but what I’m trying to say is that we have nothing but what we have on.”

“Were you robbed?” The man squinted up at Sam.

Sam latched onto the idea like a drowning man, then stopped himself. The man would probably contact the local police, which would lead to contacting the American Embassy. The embassy would want fingerprints and as soon as those came back, Sam and Dean would be arrested and most likely shipped back home. The FBI was still looking for them.

Dean opened his mouth to speak and Sam slapped his hand over it. Whatever lie Dean was going to come up with, it wouldn’t work. Maybe the truth, at least part of it, would. “Honestly sir, I don’t remember how we got here. Just woke up in the room upstairs.”

“Pay, or I’m phoning the police.”

“Please, wait. We fell asleep in Kansas and we woke up here.”

He laughed at them and the glare he was getting from Dean wasn’t helping Sam’s mood.

Removing his hand from Dean’s mouth. Sam tried again.

“It was funny the first time. Now pay me.” The man grabbed a hold of them and walked them back into the lobby with Dean mumbling about his Impala and his stupid brother the whole way. At least, that’s what Sam thought he heard.


They sat.

The man dialed the phone. “Hello, police? Yes, I have a couple here who tried to skip out on their bill. Claim they have no money. Hell, they have no clothes. What? Well of course they have some on, else I’d a called you about that, now wouldn’t I? They say they fell asleep in Kansas, last night, in the states. Yeah, that’s what I think, too. I’ll wait, thank you.”

Sam sighed and got a death glare from Dean.


“You had to go and tell him that we slept in Kansas last night.”

“What the fuck is your problem? I was trying to convince the man to let us go.”

“Whatever.” Dean closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair.


“Jack, there’s a weird call on the police scanner,” Tosh spoke up from where she had been monitoring all the channels for the past five hours, ever since Jack had told them that the fabric of space and time had started to warp for some reason.

“Let’s hear it, Tosh,” Jack Harkness told her.

Tosh put the call on the Torchwood speaker system.

“Nabbed us a couple of weird ones. Americans, say they just popped out of thin air. Wonder what they’ve been smoking?”

“Maybe nothing,” Jack answered the question and he glanced at Tosh. “I’ll have Ianto get the car. Keep monitoring, this may or may not be it.”

Toshiko nodded at her boss and went back to monitoring the police frequencies.

Jack grabbed Gwen just as she was coming in. “Come on, don’t you ever answer your beeper?” Pulling her along with him, he got into the car. “Never mind,” Jack spoke over her excuses, “We’ve got to go and see a man about a couple of Americans, at least, so they claim.”

Gwen looked sharply at her boss. “Aliens?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. There was a shift in the space time fabric about,” he glanced down at his watch, “five hours ago.”

“And that means?”

“That something or someone might have come through.”

“Someone?” Gwen asked.

“Two someone’s to be precise.”

“And we are going to meet them?”

“I was hoping you could get us in.” Jack gave her a smile.

“They know I work for Torchwood. Not that they would believe what I do, but still, they know I got a job with you.” Gwen explained again, Jack never did forget that she had been on the police force.

Nodding, Jack looked out the window, just as a call came in on his phone. “Jack,” he answered. “Escaped?” Giving a little laugh that lacked humour. “Where at?”

“Ianto, they escaped and are heading toward headquarters.”

The quiet man behind the wheel looked in the rear-view mirror. “Turn back?”

“No, they should be right around here,” Jack said, looking around. “They shouldn’t be hard to spot. Both are in their pj’s. Stop here. Tosh has them on the cameras,” he said, referring to the program in the hub that allowed them to track someone in public spaces. “Where?” he asked Tosh.

“Okay, Gwen, they should be coming out of that alley in ten seconds. Stun them, don’t kill.”

Ianto pulled the Range Rover around so he could pull up if need be and block the alley. Gwen and Jack stood, hands down, unthreatening, just as two men emerged, one about the same height as Jack while the other was taller. They were wearing pajama bottoms and no tops and both had handcuffs, though only the shorter of the two still had his on.

The men pulled up and stood looking at Gwen and Jack. Observing that they had assessed and categorized Gwen and himself, Jack watched them closely.

“Please, stop where you are,” Gwen asked politely. “We just want to talk.”

The two of them looked at one another and some sort of communication took place. They nodded at one another and then the tall one stepped forward and flashed a pair of dimples at her. “I’m Sam, this is Dean.”

When nothing more was forthcoming, Gwen glanced at Jack and got a slight nod. “Gwen Cooper, and this is Jack Harkness.”

Sam’s eyes widened slightly and he turned to look at Dean. They shared a hasty conference. Dean objecting and Sam arguing with him. In a few moments, they came to some kind of consensus.

“Sam and Dean Winchester. Our Dad talked about a Jack Harkness.”

Jack relaxed a bit. “John’s boys?” At the nod he got, he motioned for Ianto to pull up. Opening the door, he held it for Gwen who entered after giving him a look that told him they would be talking later. “Come on, get in. I’ll get those cuffs off and get you back to headquarters.”

Sam and Dean had another quick discussion, which Sam ended by walking to the vehicle and getting in. Dean followed, looking angry.


They had somehow managed to escape from the police without hurting anyone. Running down alley ways and ducking for cover in a strange town wasn’t new. But, not knowing where they were going was. There was no place for them to run back to. Everyone they knew was on the other side of the ocean.

Finding a bit of wire and determinedly working to try and get it into the handcuff lock as they ran, Sam was panicking when he realized he couldn’t. Then, it sprang open just as they turned down an alley and saw two people standing at the end of it. Recognizing when someone was trying to be as non-threatening as possible, Sam slowed Dean and they stopped a few yards from the two.

Observing them closely, Sam looked at the woman first. Women, in his point of view, being the more dangerous sex. Long dark hair and eyes, about five foot seven, she had the stance of a cop. Sam then looked the man over. He was about six foot with short brown hair and blue eyes. Sam couldn’t place him as easily as the woman. Military maybe?

“Please, stop where you are,” the woman asked politely. “We just want to talk.”

Looking at Dean, Sam knew that he wanted him to try and work his charm to try and get them out of this.

Taking a breath and flashing his dimples at the woman, “I’m Sam, this is Dean.”

She waited a moment, letting the silence tell him that she would have preferred their last names too. The woman glanced at the man who seemed to be in charge. Getting a slight nod that Sam would have missed had he not been watching for it, she introduced herself. “Gwen Cooper, and this is Jack Harkness.”

Jack Harkness, now that sounded familiar. The book! Dad’s journal! He had mentioned meeting with a Jack Harkness at an airport in New England somewhere. Dad had been working a case and this man had just walked in and somehow solved the problem. Dad had had a few drinks with the man and had decided that he was a kind of hunter, but not one that he had ever seen before or since. That had been a few years ago.

Sam turned to Dean. “Dad mentioned him in the journal,” he said, knowing that Dean would know exactly what he meant.

“Sam, you don’t even know if this is the same guy.”

“Dad said he was from Britain and that he was a kind of hunter.”

“I don’t remember anything like that.”

“Dean, it was in New England. He had left you to take care of the poltergeist in New Jersey and went up to check out a rumor.”

Dean nodded reluctantly. Looking thoroughly unhappy, Dean gave his approval to what Sam wanted to do.

“Sam and Dean Winchester. Our Dad talked about a Jack Harkness.” It was Sam’s way of finding out if this was the same man.

“John’s boys?” Jack asked and Sam flashed Dean a triumphant look and nodded at Jack.

A large black Range Rover pulled up and Jack held the door for Gwen and then said, “Come on, get in. I’ll get those cuffs off and get you back to headquarters.”

Turning to his brother, Sam knew this was going to be a battle. Dean never trusted anyone.

“Come on, he knew Dad’s name, it’s him.”

“But what exactly did Dad say about him?” Dean sounded angry, which meant, more than likely, that he was scared.

“Dad described him, Dean, and he knew Dad’s name. Besides, what the hell are we supposed to do in Cardiff in our pajamas? He can help us get home, if nothing else.” Sam turned and, walking to the van, he got in without once looking back to see if Dean was coming. Because he knew he was right and Dean knew it too. Dean was just worried.

Getting into the vehicle, Sam realized that it was a mobile office. He looked at the computer stations and seated himself behind one. Gwen reached over and slid the computer shut and out of the way. Dean got in and sat next to Sam.

After a conference with their eyes, Gwen reached over and unlocked Dean’s handcuffs. Then she asked Sam if she could have his. Handing them over, Sam watched as she examined them minutely. She knew what she was looking for. He felt halfway smug; his cop assessment had been dead on. If Gwen Cooper wasn’t, or perhaps had been, a cop then he was the tooth fairy.

They pulled up outside a rundown tourist information center. Sam exchanged a look with Dean, who shrugged. Getting out of the large black vehicle, they followed Jack into the building and through a door in the back.

“John’s boys. How odd that you are both here now. How is John, by the way?” Jack asked.

“Dead,” Dean said shortly.

“My sympathies. Did he find what he was hunting for?”

Sam didn’t look at Dean, couldn’t look at Dean. “Yeah, you could say that.” Dad had found the yellow-eyed Demon that had killed their mom. He had made a deal with him. John Winchester would hand over the colt (the only gun known to kill Demons) and his soul in exchange for Dean’s life.

Later, Sam had been killed and Dean had made a deal. Sam’s life and in one year Dean too would die and his soul would go to hell. They had a bowl that could capture Demons, it was in the trunk of the Impala, and they were stuck in Cardiff.

They were offered clothes and they accepted. Getting dressed did something to Sam’s psyche. He had felt exposed and now he almost felt as if he had put armor on. Black slacks and a t-shirt, how the hell they had something his size he really wasn’t going to question. Dean was similarly dressed and equally as fitting. Sam let his eyes rove over his brother’s body for a moment with a look of longing. Dean caught it as he turned and flashed Sam a small grin.

They would have to be very careful, circumspect even. Whether or not God, or at least one of his Angels approved of their relationship, it was still illegal. Everyone here knew they were brothers.

“What do you think is going on?”

Sam shrugged. “I don’t know. I figure we just go with the flow. They removed the cuffs, got us clothes, took us to their ‘lair’.” Sam wasn’t sure what else to call the place they were at. They were deep underground below the Millennium Centre as best as he could tell. They had equipment that he had only read about in his science fiction books. “Jack knew Dad’s name and I know that Dad wrote about a Jack Harkness. For some reason the name sticks in my memory.”

Dean just gave him a look that he interpreted to mean that he was too trusting.

Someone knocked on the door.


Ianto was knocking. Jack watched as Ianto worked his magic, making Sam and Dean feel as comfortable as possible. The man had quickly searched their stores to find clothing to fit them both. Glancing at how the clothing fit both men, he was once again amazed at how well Ianto did his job. All he had had was a couple of glances at the men and their clothing looked almost tailored to them.

“Jack,” Gwen interrupted his thoughts.

Looking up at Gwen, he had a few seconds to decide what exactly to tell her. “I was in New England.” He started his story without preamble. “Chasing down an alien, a Daemon that someone had somehow summoned. John Winchester shows up with an impressive arsenal for fighting Daemons and other beings. He knew what he was doing and I needed some help so we worked together to banish the thing. Afterwards, I was trying to figure out if he needed an Amnesia Pill or what. The more we talked, the more it became clear that John was fighting against an evil so vast that to wipe his memory of one victory would have been a waste.

“He told me about his sons. Dean travelled with him most of the time but Sam was in college. He was very proud of both of them.” Jack sighed. “I just hope I don’t need to kill them.”

Gwen’s head whipped around.

“Well,” Jack explained. “We don’t know how they got here. Why they’re here. Or if they are who they say they are.”

“And you brought them to the hub? Jack, you can’t just kill them if they can’t explain something.” Gwen looked at Jack, who shrugged.

“Ianto has them in hand for now. He’s bringing them up here so we can talk.” At a look from Gwen, he added, “just talk.”

Ianto knocked twice and Jack called out for him to enter. Leading the two men into the boardroom, Ianto asked if anyone wanted refreshments. Their two guests declined and Jack shook his head.

Sitting down at the table, Jack motioned for Sam and Dean to do the same. Gwen excused herself and they all watched her leave. Getting their attention again, Jack slid a folder across the table to the boys and sat back and watched them, waiting for the explosion.

Jack was surprised that it didn’t come. Sam picked up the folder and looked through it, passing piece after piece to his brother after he finished. When they were done looking through it, both of them turned to Jack with innocent eyes. If he didn’t know what he knew, by the gods, he would think them innocent.

Raising an eyebrow, Jack sat back. “Only I know everything in that file. I also know what is true and what is false.”

It seemed the boys took it as a challenge. “Murders in St. Louis?” Sam asked.

“Shapeshifter. Oh, and Dean here is alive.”

“Disappearances in Hibbing, Minnesota?” Dean asked this time.

“Nothing supernatural at all. Cannibals. We ran into something similar not too long ago.” Jack had a moment of shared horror with the men across the table from him. He never would understand the evil that lived inside some people.


“False as reported. Shapeshifter again. Although Ronald’s theories were way off base, there really are Cybermen. Trust me, you never want to meet any.”

“You know about Ron?”

“I told you I know about all of it. Though I would like to answer questions all day, I do have a few for you,” Jack said calmly.

“Okay.” Sam got a glare from Dean for his answer.


Jack had answered their questions about their past with a scary accuracy, so when he said he had a few for them, Sam agreed. Even though he got a glare for his trouble from Dean.

“How did you get here? Do you know?”

Both of them shook their heads.

“It happened before to me.” Sam looked at his brother with tortured eyes. That fiasco had ended with his death and Dean’s subsequent deal.

They watched as Jack typed something into the computer beside him. “About four months ago. Just before a rift opened in Wyoming.”

“Rift?” Sam asked.

“A link between this dimension and another one.”

“No, that was a hole into Hell,” Dean stated, emotionless.

“Same difference, in this case.” Jack shrugged. “Anyway, there was the same space time shift that happened as you got here.”

“Space time shift? Would you mind telling me what exactly you do, Jack Harkness?” Dean asked calmly.

“I run Torchwood.”

“What exactly is Torchwood?”

“It exists outside the government, beyond the police. Which is why you are here and not being extradited back to the US.”

Sam nodded.

“But what do you do? What is all this?” Dean asked.

“Tracking down alien life on Earth and arming the human race against the future.”

“Aliens?” Dean tried to control his laugh and failed. “Dad had you pegged as a hunter, but not one he recognized. No wonder, you’re off your rocker.”

“How about this? We hunt the things that go bump in the night, just like you. Sometimes when we find it, we try to save it. Sometimes we just have to kill it.”

Sam nodded again. He liked the vibe he got from Jack and everyone else that he had met here.

“Now this happened before, this space time shift. What happened to you then?”

“Same sort of thing. I was transported. . .” Sam started to explain.

“I? So it was only you?”

Sam nodded. “It had to do with this Demon. He had been watching me since I was little. The others, too.”


Sam glanced at Dean, unsure how honest to be. Dean frowned but gave him a nod.

Stopping a sigh of relief, Sam described what had happened in that town in South Dakota. All of the ‘chosen’ showing up, about them being winnowed down. About how the Demon wanted only the strongest to lead his army. For some reason, Sam kept talking. About how he had died and was resurrected by a Demon. Dean kicked him but Sam continued about Dean’s deal and how he was fighting it.

Next Part

crossover, we're not in kansas anymore, gift fic, torchwood, dr who, supernatural, fic

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